成都中海·天府里·领峯 | 派澜设计
阅读:2639 2023-11-14

Create a peaceful place of residence,
Hidden into pure green,
In the morning and night, day and night,
Watch the flowers in front of the court blooming,
Mo with the clouds in the sky.

Zhonghai · Tianfu Lingfeng is located in Tianfu New District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. The location is at a high -speed development stage. The international positioning of the Central Business District is the rich natural resources of the surrounding area.

项目场地较小,登高面挤压中庭,高层建筑有压迫感, 我们应该如何去定义居住场景?相比大尺度空间的随性和开敞感,小尺度空间更需致力于每一处细节的营造,团队精心打造了林境中心花园、林下休憩口袋空间、造型景墙点缀以潺潺跌水,营造轻灵而悠远的诗意氛围,打造小而精的国际化高端住区。

The project venue is small, and the heights are squeezed at the atrium. High -rise buildings have a sense of oppression. How should we define the living scene? Compared with the randomness and openness of large -scale space, small -scale space needs to be committed to the creation of every detail. The team carefully created the garden of the forest center, the pocket space of the pockets of the forest, and the shape of the shape of the landscape. Create a light and long poetic atmosphere, and create a small and fine international high -end residential area.


The city's Guanshan Xuexue landscape belt is the main source of this design concept. The design is based on the title of "leading peak". Create modern, hidden, ecological livable poetic living environment. In leisure and elegance, complete worship of life aesthetics.



Design and refine the natural elements of landscapes as the plane composition of the venue. Combining the site conditions and spatial function layout, the final scheme plane is formed several times

Most of the interior of the atrium is occupied by the firefighting field. The design first uses non -anti -defense to grow high plants to plant greening, and seeps green penetration to the climbing surface to weaken the hard edge space of the ascending surface.

The design combines the edge green space to divide different functional partitions to create a garden -style leisure life experience. Sofele up the high noodles by moving the tree box facilities. Weaken the sense of emptiness by changing the pavement and guide the home streamline.

The stylish and simple home interface, continuing the modern style of the building's atmosphere, and the metal texture and line character grille constitute a hotel -style distinguished guest experience.


Entering the atrium, the plants group that is in sight is high and low, as if entering the forest realm, the water falling combined with the level of stones to give the space flow change, walk on the winding road, and feel the tree shadow that the light is changed at any time. External disturbances have disappeared to nature.



The corner inadvertently left a side of the world freely. The pleasant scale and the exquisite water falling scene wall constituted a sense of spatial layering and narrative, and wasolated the noise and hustle and bustle of the city. Here you enjoy a good afternoon tea and talk with your friends and relatives.


在静谧时分 寻一份内心的沉静。

Nature and space penetrate each other, and the child runs through it, leaving a beautiful moment of growth and playing.


Nature and life are inseparable, and the warmth and relaxation of life flowing out of the grass and one wood, so that every place to return home shows the pursuit of the quality of life.


Flexible transformation of fire -fighting surfaces, through special linear pavement, outdoor tables and chairs, and mobile tree boxes, to create a micro -social space for neighborhoods.



From the material selection to the construction process, the choice of view of the latrobe, the combination of the shape of the plants, and the ingenuity of each process with ingenuity, presenting the expression of the ultimate life scene.



项目地址:四川 成都





摄影单位:深圳市林绿文化传播有限公司 | 壹帧影像

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