Photographs: Philip Kottlorz
在2023 年米兰设计周上,我们为“现代风格”家具品牌的代表——Walter Knoll在位于城市最热闹街区的一幢建筑内打造了一场如梦似幻的展厅。
While some are drawn to ultra-modern exhibition centres, we chose to orchestrate a location in Milan’s most happening district for ‘the Furniture Brand of Modernity’, Walter Knoll.
这座名为Rimessa dei Fiori的建筑的前身是一间用于花卉制作和储藏的大厅。它曾经喧嚣,充满交流、创造和遐想。我们的思路是令其重焕新生,将这一印象重现。
Bringing Walter Knoll back to the Rimessa dei Fiori, a disused flower warehouse, once a place of hustle and bustle, of communication, of creativity, of reverie – and rekindling all these impressions.
这座建筑位于米兰市中心的布雷拉区(Brera),是一个聚集众多创意的街区。我们将这座沉睡的建筑如灰姑娘般唤醒了七天。如果说去年在Rimessa的展示已经是“昙花一现式的”,那么2023年,我们把这种“干预”进一步缩小——用更加轻盈、更加透明、更加虚幻、更加短暂的舞台来展现Walter Knoll的产品。
Awakening this industrial building in Milan’s creative Brera district from its slumber for just seven days, without disturbing or superimposing on the atmosphere of the space. If our episodic intervention in the essence of the Rimessa was already fleeting last year, in 2023 we reduce our interference further still, designing the stage for Walter Knoll to be even lighter, more transparent, intangible and evanescent.
临时的、非侵入性的、短暂的——很多东西看起来近乎随意:玻璃板淡淡地靠在墙上,蜿蜒的植物正将人类的痕迹慢慢抹去,粗糙的混凝土基座矗立在艺术家Yvette Hofmann精致的陶瓷元素之间。
Temporary, non-invasive, ephemeral, much of what you see appears almost random. Glass panes leaned casually against walls, plants establishing their own habitat in this manmade complex, lashing straps cutting through the space, rough concrete plinths and, in between, delicate ceramic elements by artist Yvette Hofmann.
Tranquil quotations of architectural aphorisms that expand in the conception of the stress field between abstract spatial context and the haptic quality of the furniture collection. A conscious staging of the seemingly unconscious.
窗外云朵的投影像白日梦般与斯图加特Studio de Pasquale工作室的大型花卉装置交相辉映。Rimessa dei Fiori的空旷空间被打印成一张二十平方米的图片,印在纺织品上。通过透视的游戏,映射空间,打开了另一个感知维度。现实?幻想?或两者之间?当你走近时,真相就会浮出水面。
Day-dreamy elements such as cloud projections – mimicking the view from the window – alternate with expansive floral installations by Studio de Pasquale from Stuttgart. A 20-square-metre photographic print on textile of the empty Rimessa dei Fiori plays with perspectives, mirrors the space and opens a further dimension of perception. Reality? Fantasy? Something in between? The truth is revealed as you draw closer.
Engagement and comprehension are one of the keys here. Structures, surfaces, the interplay of soft forms and sharp edges, with plants that take up space, expressive colours and quiet tones can only be experienced in their entirety by those who take time to slow down, drift through the space with an open mind, leaving the hubbub of the Salone at the Rimessa door.
当然,Walter Knoll的新系列以有机和精确的形式自然地成为展厅焦点。
In strong focus, in concentrated opposition: the new collection from Walter Knoll in organic and precise forms. Tactile, stand-alone, clear.
And after the trade fair? We rethink ‘temporary’ and define all elements as material collages instead of mélanges. Nothing is fused, everything can be disassembled, be sorted into material categories and cleanly repurposed. So as well as a fleeting spatial design that passes through the Rimessa and departs without a trace, even the separate components of the arrangements, the basic materials, leave their traces only in the minds of the viewers.