德国 One Forty West | IFG伊波莱茨建筑设计
阅读:1516 2024-01-22

One Forty West 是位于德国法兰克福市中心 Senckenberg-Quartier 的一栋商住两用高层建筑。它集合了酒店与公寓的双重用途。

One Forty West in the Senckenberg district of Frankfurt’s city centre is a hybrid high-rise with a hotel and freehold apartments. 

在这栋建筑的设计中,IFG 在多个领域进行尝试。除整体的导向系统之外,我们还为大楼设计了大堂和一个非同寻常的酒窖。业主和宾客经过堂皇雅致的大堂既可以上楼回家,也可以下楼探访位于地下的藏酒窖。这个酒窖的功用远远不止于藏酒。

Our interior design plays a pivotal role in the project in several areas: Residents and guests enter the building through our stylish lobby – or can go down a level into a rather unusual wine cellar, which is used for more than just storing wine. We were also responsible for designing the building’s guidance and wayfinding system.


Storing goods and chattels

One Forty West 的奢华之处,不仅在于它的装修品质,而且还在于它以附加服务的形式来满足住户的兴趣爱好。比如,这里有供爱宠洗浴的场所及24小时全天候的礼宾服务。而更深藏不露的一个优势是这个安置于地下的藏酒窖。

Part of the luxury offered at One Forty West is that the address caters to the hobbies and passions of its residents in the form of special extras here and there. In addition to a designated dog washing area and a 24/7 concierge service, another highlight can be found in the basement of the building: our WineBank. 

就像把贵重物品存放在银行保险库一样,这里的居民也可以把珍贵的陈年葡萄酒安全地存放在储藏条件绝佳的 WineBank 里

Just as you might store your valuables in a bank vault, here residents can safely store their precious vintages – in perfect climatic conditions and in the direct vicinity of their apartment.


The bottles are stored at the required temperature in closed cabinets that reveal a tantalising glimpse of their contents. (I wonder what the neighbour’s favourite tipple might be?)


Liquid gold

WineBank 整体由这里藏品的主色调——波尔多红、粉红和金黄构成。空间的正面是一幅神秘红色的玻璃幕墙,好似高脚杯中的红酒映像,从深度和广度对空间起到增扩的效果。

The WineBank colour palette has been dipped in Bordeaux red, rosé and yellow gold, the colours of the treasures stored in the cabinets. Just like a reflection in a wine glass, the entire front end of the room appears as a mysterious red-mirrored wall, giving the room depth and expanding it. 


A curved, slatted ceiling and a bespoke lighting design create our take on a modern vaulted cellar. The gold, which flows from the perforated metal panelling of the wine cabinets over the edge detail of the ceiling slats, effectively brings the individual elements together.


This imbues the room with a cosy atmosphere that invites you to linger. Speaking of lingering, the WineBank is more than just a storage area. It is also a place for wine tasting.


A high table and a kitchenette are available for such events. Here you can enjoy the lounge-like atmosphere with friends, or get to know your neighbours, with whom you obviously already have a lot in common.

这座 WineBank 让楼里每一个热爱葡萄酒文化的住户都能拥有理想的藏酒环境,不仅节约了家中安置酒柜的空间,更提供一个品酒、社交的好去处。

The WineBank provides the wine connoisseurs among the apartment owners with ideal storage conditions for their hobby, as well as saving space within their own four walls – for the wine cabinet and the house bar with atmosphere.

Client: T-Rex Grundstücksentwicklungs GmbH & Co. KG 

Location: Frankfurt

Status Completed (2021) 

Categories: Architecture & Interior, Hospitality

Photography: Philip Kottlorz

Team: Nadine Batz, Tim Lessmann, Markus Schmidt

Copyright: Ippolito Fleitz Group

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