澳大利亚国立大学坎布里校园公共空间 | ASPECT Studios
阅读:1456 2024-02-26

This renewal of the heart of the Australian National University introduces an entirely new public domain and buildings to create a bustling place for socializing and learning that tears down walls between the campus and wider Canberra.


ASPECT Studios devised a legible and memorable landscape framework of plazas, green streets, riparian areas, courtyards and greenways that link together to create a clearly defined public space. Much of the landscape works are constructed on a raised podium to enable an seamless and accessible public domain between the new buildings.

ASPECT Studios在景观设计上充分尊重并考虑了校园的历史和人文背景,以及堪培拉的地域文化,基于城市设计框架联合提出公共领域设计原则,包括广场、绿色街道、溪岸空间、学生庭院和绿道等元素。这些精心设计的空间相互交织,共同构成了一个独特而充满活力的公共场所。项目基地以整体抬升形成大平台,各种景观元素的排列组合巧妙地将新建筑与周围环境相融合,营造出一个便捷且充满魅力的公共领域。

Engagement with traditional custodian groups was an important part of the project and led to the name “Kambri” – meaning “meeting place” – being gifted to the university by the Little Gudgenby River Tribal Council, Buru Ngunawal Aboriginal Corporation, King Brown Tribal Group, and the Ngarigu Currawong Clan. A desire to reveal and honour the site’s Indigenous heritage and the strength of the city’s Walter Burley Griffin-designed urban framework underpinned ASPECT’s design approach. 

项目设计团队还特别注重与传统管理团体的合作,汲取了他们的智慧与灵感。因此,这个新地标被命名为“Kambri”(坎布里),意为“聚会场所”,象征着原住民文化与现代教育的交融。这一命名是由Little Gudgenby River 部落委员会、Buru Ngunawal 土著公司、King Brown 部落和Ngarigu Currawong 部族长老赠送给大学的,旨在表达对原住民传统的尊重与传承。

The character of Kambri varies throughout the precinct to reflect the different types of spaces, their associated buildings and their intended functions. These range from laneways and retail spaces through to learning commons, cultural event venues and student accommodation. Spaces vary from more active platforms for play and events, while others invite a quieter, more contemplative use.


ASPECT Studios with Lahznimmo architects were successful in winning the Australian National University’s design competition in 2019 to revitalize the public domain of its Canberra campus. Afterwards the public domain team worked closely with BVN who the architects for the new buildings in the precinct were. The resulting urban outcome reflects the collaboration between the three practices in a very professional way.

ASPECT Studios于2019年时候与Lahznimmo architects 共同合作,成功赢得了澳大利亚国立大学坎布里校园的公共空间更新设计竞赛。随后,其公共领域团队与该辖区内的建筑设计公司BVN密切配合,创建了这个反映出这三家公司之间默契协作的城市公共空间以及高超的专业设计能力。

Key Project Info

Client:Australian National University

Location: Acton, Canberra, Australia

Year: 2017-2019





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