江宁开发区九龙湖国际企业总部园 | logon罗昂建筑
阅读:9524 2019-08-27

When nature meets modern, how creativeand multi-functional office parks are now interpreting integrating lifestylefor people's production, business and living.


Situated in Jiangning District, Nanjing City, the site of Jiulonghu International Headquarters Park is strategically located at Nine Dragon Lake, half way between Nanjing CBD and Nanjing Airport. Closing to highways and metro stations,the park takes favorable location as a most international and high-end CBD in Jiangning District. This new build project for urban design covers an area of 23.3 hectare including an attractive mix of business retail and hospitality functions in a natural setting.  It creates a unique place for both productive work and quality living. In terms of business, logon.design has created three types of office environments, which helped limit the financial risk and maximize the return on investment for the client.

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How to stand out from the competion using the lake view?

总部园的选址于清水亭西路及苏源大道交界处, 南北向300米长,东西向200米宽。规划之初旨在开发一处可持续发展的高科技办公科技园,场地周围分布了办公楼、工厂和大学。在一处百废待兴以及周围设施、商业环境以及居住配套几乎为零的基础上,如果要打造一处设施完善、可持续发展且高端的CBD, 罗昂团队考虑到, 首先,未来规划了将近320,000平方米的办公面积,目标租户将是高知识技术人员密集型的企业; 其次,对于这些正在寻找新办公地点的企业而言,该工作地点否能吸引高素质人才显得至关重要;再次,这些人才需要在最佳工作空间中得以发挥所长, 所以罗昂团队在设计方案时就围绕如何创造一处高端、自然、舒适且能吸引精英人士的复合功能工作园区。

At the corner of Qingshuiting West Road and SuYuan Avenue, the site has a size of 300 meters long in the north-south axis and 200 meters broad in theeast-west axis. The target of the project was to develop a sustainable high-tech science park among mixed surroundings: offices, production facilities and universities. The site sitting in the middle of almost all facilities, business services and residential support undone, logon.design concluded three key points before making this area to be a sustainable and high-end CBD: first, the targeted tenants would be skilled and high-tech knowledge intensive companies facing a large office space of 320,000 square meters; second, for companies who are looking for a new location, the availability of skilled people is the most important and it is crucial for new office parks to create a nice and attractive working environment; third, best minds demand the best workspace to bring their superiority into full play. Focusing the above points, logon.design aims to create a mixed functional park meanwhile to be high-end, natural, relaxing, and attractive.

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Three different office areas to fit different kinds of users and space requirements
logon.design has created three different office areas to fit different kinds of user and space requirements: headquarter office low-rise buildings, economic office buildings and grade-A landmark office towers. The design makes the most out of the excellent location of the site at the lake. The buildings are located from the near to the distant due to different height so that eighty percent office spaces enjoy a view on the lake.

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Headquarter office buildings are situated facing the lake directly and enjoying unique lakeview. This individual business building stand alone and have direct access to the lake and provides exclusive office spaces for firms seeking to occupy awhole building as regional or China headquarters.

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经济型的中高办公楼定位为为各类客户提供价格合理的高品质办公场所, 租户可根据需求自行安装空调系统。区域内最高建筑17层,楼高80米。该区以办公室为主,但在平台区域设置了商业、休闲配套。同时,区域南面的建筑被打造为服务式公寓,享有令人舒畅的湖景。公寓区公共设施一应俱全,包含一座俱乐部会所,对于长短停留的访客来讲都是不错的选择。

Economic office buildings offer mainly affordable but quality office space for all kinds of busi­ness. Tenants can install their own air condition system. The highest buildings of the economy office zone have a height of 80 meters and 17 floors. They offer mainly offices, but also provide commercial, leisure in the podium. The building in the south of the second area provides serviced apartments that offer a beautiful lakeview. Besides communal facilities, its private club service welcome guest for either short or long stay.

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The yellow-colored landmark office tower covers 9.3 hectare at the north side which is a Grade-Aoffice high-rise tower facilitated with central air conditioning and ventilation system. The high­est tower in the north-west has 27 floors and reaches 113.9 meters inheight. Facing the downtown of Nanjing and visible from the streets, the ensemble towers act as a landmark for giving the park a clear identity and making it recognizable from a distance. Two red towers stand aside are apartment and hotel with small retail facilitates at the podium.

A mix of urban and natural settings

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The main idea behind the Central Public Space is the creation of a community area, where people can exchange ideas and knowledge. It is an axis that runs through the site from north to south, with a representative entrance plaza. The axis transforms into a central avenue as it runs down south. The avenue integrates all the buildings of the site, connecting all main entrances of the building through the axis.
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The central public space Lake side aisle, landscape bridges, water-viewing deck andlake-front path are added to the public space so that the total landscape areareach to 30,000 square meters. When taking a walk in the park, people are allowed to enjoy the unencumbered lake-view meanwhile seeking a scenic corner for resting and relaxing. The multi-function for public areas breaks through the restriction of traditional industrial park, as it contains communication venues, attractive outdoor space and facilities, and serviced apartment with entertainment and business functions. Hence, a new and attractive working and living environmentis created by the mixture of urban and nature.
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For emerging creative and multi-functional office parks, logon.design would like to say...
Normally, industrial production should be separated from living quarters according to traditional working surroundings and urban modals. However, in logon.design's opinion, innovative industrial park is going to be mixed with diversified functional sections rather than stay in the edge of the city. Then, companies tend to have opportunities to be clustered with different kinds of firms and academic institutions, whose working surroundings should be much more comfortable and able to facilitate their cooperation and coordination. As an international park, Jiulonghu is equipped to serve headquarters, functional institutions, innovative platforms, listed companies and etc. Meanwhile, it has been endowed with unique natural views so that it has responsibility to lead park's industrial transformation and upgrade. The industrial park has already attracted industries from smart grid, new-energy vehicles, internet,  high-tech and other key industries so far to enter. Therefore, supported by headquarters and R&D institutions, such kind of parks is developing from traditional production to a brand new position and function.

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