CLUB FIVE DOCK俱乐部 | 杰克逊蒂斯建筑设计事务所
阅读:3472 2019-09-22


CLUB Five Dock俱乐部由 Jackson Teece 设计

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悉尼内西区的Club Five Dock正在建造一个全新的酒店娱乐场地。该项目涉及拆除现有的占据50%屋顶空间的与屋顶其高的礼堂和餐厅,并由Jackson Teece室内设计团队和建筑设计团队共同执笔设计建造一个全新的俱乐部。

A new hospitality venue is being created for Club Five Dock in Sydney’s inner west. The project involves removal of an existing roof level auditorium and restaurant which occupy 50% of the roof space and the creation of a new full floor complex.


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The facility will house a Restaurant, Casual Dining area for lunch and dinner, club lounge, bar and a number of large scale external spaces concieved as large ‘open’ spaces within the floor plate. The outdoor area’s bring light into what is a very deep floor plate and have been designed to accomodate a range of planting typologies from a full ‘green wall’ to ponds, tress and an eternal flame.


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The venue offers a number of distinct design moods, from a dark and sophisticated restaurant which has a louvered roof level to allow for intimacy to a series of stepped platforms that rise through the space and allow for casual drinking and dining to occur at a number of level.


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The club lounge area sits at the highest point of the floor plate and has extensive views towards the Sydney CBD.

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