白塔岭艺术中心 | 陈飞波设计事务所
阅读:3913 2020-02-01


BobChen Studio's Latest Project:

Baitaling Art Center

The White Pagoda (Baitaling) is a long-established historic landmark in the south of Hangzhou. Since the Five Dynasties period until today, it has experienced centuries of vicissitudes. Although only ruins still stand, it was admirably surveyed by Mr. Liang Sicheng and Mr. Lin Huiyin in the 1930’s. Eighty years later, the Baitaling Art Education Institute was founded on the site. Over the past decade, this has become a well-known name in Chinese education. Given the White Pagoda site and the project’s requirements, we considered: how should one integrate the site’s historical narrative into the public space of the Baitaling institution?


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The Baitaling Art Center, as the headquarters of this institution, serves as a reception center for the art world. Aesthetics, therefore, deserve a central role emphasizing the embodiment of the “local” and “contemporary.” We propose the spatial intervention of contemporary art enhancing recognition of both art and locality for the institution’s brand. After much argument and reflection, we gradually progressed towards this goal:

Towers, piles, spirit of nature, ridges, mountain ranges: natural stone forms become a basic element. Large-scale irregular shapes and minimalist facade treatments combine with corresponding moving lines to form the dramatic spatial tension of "ridges.” Concurrently, stone shapes and modern cubic concepts fuse; piles are clustered in different proportions in space like building blocks. These shapes correspond not only to an historical aesthetic “pagoda” form, but also become a contemporary exhibition space, an art gallery.

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Calm and dignified, the walls and the ground echo each other from afar, while smooth and rough areas draw contrasts. Occupying this hyperrealistic "Stone Ridge" space, one senses the imposing surroundings reverberating like a double bass. Meanwhile light, ethereal as a flute, outlines the background, sparkles as a star giving orientation, and staggers highs and lows. Orchestrating space and time, light adds dynamic aesthetics to a serene and resonant space.

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‘Less is more’ permeates furniture configuration. We choose an irregular conference table in harmony with the spatial tone to create a stage for open and diverse communication. In lobby areas, furniture of ultramodern materials reflects the institution’s contemporary brand, acts as light’s medium and enhances site experiences while opportunely providing a reversal in mood.

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Additionally, restroom amenities have been minimalized as a return to purity and simplicity that allows the shape and sound of water to act as medium for flow in space. Minimalism accommodates practical functionality while dialoguing aesthetically in the context of “ridges” with the main space. The Baitaling Art Center thus holistically constructs a strong sense of local distinction.

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设计单位:Bob Chen Design Office








家具品牌:TOUCHFEELING, 杭州Enjoy space(avarte, HAY)


Baitaling Art school information: 

Project schedule: 2019.1 – 2019.3

Project area: 250 square meters

Address: Hangzhou, China

Client: Hangzhou Junling Technology Co., Ltd.

Design: Bob Chen Design Office

Art Director: Bob Chen

Management: Hu Bing, Shen Yunluan

Interior design: Li XiangWu Hongwei

Furniture design: Ru Yan, Wang Yuanyuan

Photos: Wen Office

Author of Article: T-LAB

Construction: Hangzhou Feng Qi Building Decoration Co., Ltd.

Furniture: TOUCHFEELING, Hangzhou Enjoy space(Vitra)

Signage Production: Ningbo Craftsman Logo Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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