北京宋庄咖啡厅 | DAGA大观建筑
阅读:4684 2020-03-18



Beijing Songzhuang Cafe is located in a commercial corner along the street in the pomegranate center, with an area of less than 100 square meters. How to improve the function of the coffee shop in the limited space and ensure the comfort of users has become the most important thing of the design.

▼入口处围合的木质盒子 The entrance enclosed by a wooden box

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The overall design of the coffee shop tries to separate and emphasize different functions. The entrance is surrounded by a semi-covered wooden box, which arouses the desire of passers-by to explore through warm lights at night, and the process of entering the reception area can produce a line of sight intersection with the leisure area through a transparent display grid on one side. After passing through the reception area, the center space of the whole coffee shop suddenly unfolds in front of people. The exhibition area is concentrated in the center and becomes the focus of the whole coffee shop. The entrance reception area is designed to connect the stone service desk and the wooden bar, forming a wooden box embedded in the wall, emphasizing the whole and blurring the boundaries between the display area and the bar area. The bathroom at the end is hidden as an independent unit and treated as a hidden door to ensure the integrity along the wall.

▼咖啡吧台区 Coffee bar area

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The seating area is arranged along with the window, which creates visual interaction with the external glass window interface; the reading area is placed on the backside of the entrance, and semi-enclosed books are placed on both sides to ensure a quiet reading environment, and the material distinction of the ground also highlights this area. Three dish-shaped display stands of different sizes and heights are suspended in the exhibition area to meet the display needs of the cultural salon of the coffee shop, the artistic atmosphere of the whole coffee shop is improved, and the disc-shaped booth itself has become an art installation integrated into the whole space. The LED screen is embedded in the background wall on the side of the entrance, which still maintains the integrity of the entrance wooden box and can be used in small activities or daily operations in the coffee shop.

▼阅读区位于入口背侧 Reading area is located at the back of the entrance

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▼半围合的阅读区 Semi-enclosed reading area

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▼中心展示区域 Central exhibition area

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▼咖啡厅分析图 Diagram of the Cafe

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▼咖啡厅平面图 Plan of the Cafe

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室内设计:DAGA Architects大观建筑设计





Project Information

Project Name: Beijing Songzhuang CafeInterior 

Design Company: DAGA Architects

Design Team: Shen Jianghai, Huang Da, Zhang Yixuan, Qiu Chunchun, Chen Yang 

Project Location: Pomegranate Center, Songzhuang,Beijing

Construction Area:98㎡

Designed Year:May 2018

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