“与自然共生”起源于一个环境伦理——非人类中心主义,即不再将人类的自身利益作为整个星球发展的目标,而是平等地对待整个星球的物种。建筑师们着眼于将建筑变成人类和其他动植物共同的家园:通过倍增“垂直森林”的系统,建设真正的生物多样性的高密度城市。 "Harmony with nature" originated from an environmental ethic - non-anthropocentrism, that is, to treat the species of the entire planet equally, while anthropocentric ethics hold that only human beings have moral value. Architects focus on transforming buildings into a common home for both human being and other animals and plants: by multiplying the “vertical forest” system, building a high-density city of biodiversity. 调整前布局(左) 调整后布局(右) 瀚海晴宇住宅是筑弧建筑事务所在中国郑州郑东新区CBD副中心所做的一个尝试:与自然和谐共生的住宅。 Hanhai Luxury Condos is an attempt by Archimorphic in the sub-center of Eastern Zhengzhou New District CBD, China: a residence that is in harmony with nature. 总建筑面积为21.5万平方米,由9个高层住宅楼,3个生活辅助建筑合围超大面积的中央花园组成。三个生活辅助设施分别是专供小区居民娱乐的会所、物业用房、和一个九班的幼儿园。瀚海晴宇住宅行云流水般的跳层处理,塑造了创新的公建化建筑立面,极具趣味性和标志性。 The total construction area is 215,000 square meters. It consists of nine high-rise residential towers and three living facility buildings enclosing the large central garden. These facility buildings include a public club house, a supporting facility building, and a nine-classroom kindergarten. The project is positioned as a high-end residential community, targeted to be the signature project of this kind in the area. 项目结合了用户对于私密性和舒适性的需求,利用大面积的露台与阳台设计,以垂直森林、空中泳池、空中花园为特色,营造独特的垂直景观空间,让建筑如同生在园林之中,将室外景观引入室内,让人在城市竖向居住空间亦可体验别墅般的优越感和舒适感,重新定义都市高层住宅的水平。 The residential units have been designed for privacy and comfort with ample opportunity for cross ventilation and multiple spaces with good solar exposure. The large private terraces and small balconies bring the natural environment to each unit, and the terraces allow each unit to expand the living spaces into the outdoors through the use of large sections of operable glass walls. This strong connection to the outdoors and landscape help meet the goal of providing each residence with the feeling of a garden villa in the sky. Special features for the larger unit types differentiate the project with other ones of its kind and include double height living spaces, double master suites, western and Chinese kitchens, en-suite bathrooms, and terrace swimming pools. 1项目名称 PROJECT TITLE 郑州瀚海晴宇Hanhai Luxury Condos 2建筑师或建筑公司 ARCHITECT/COMPANY 筑弧事务所ARCHIMORPHIC 双栖弧事务所AMPHIBIANARC 3完成年份 YEAR OF COMPLETION: 2017年 4建筑面积(平方米) GFA:224,622m2 5项目地址 ADDRESS 郑州市郑东新区金水东路与东风渠交汇处西南角Sub-center of Eastern Zhengzhou New District CBD 6摄影师 PHOTOGRAPHER 张虔希Terrence Zhang https://www.terrencezhang.com/ 7主创建筑师CHIEF ARCHITECT Nonchi Wang, Luoya Tu 8设计团队 THE DESIGN TEAM Ying Tao, David Rodriguez, Dennis Roney, Charles Liu, Da- vid Van Arsdell, Kisung Nam, Brandon Vickers, Brian Skowvron, Elana Pappoff, Xiaofeng Mei, Jiarui Liu, Zhexiong Hu, Michelle Lozano, Nicholas Poulos, Carey England 9客户 CLIENT 河南瀚海置业有限公司Henan Hanhai Property Co., LTD. 10品牌/产品 brands/products 浙江中南建设集团有限公司,广东兴发幕墙门窗有限公司,苏州柯利达装饰股份有限公司分别为本项目提供幕墙产品。 Zhejiang Zhongnan Construction Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Xingfa Curtain Wall Co., Ltd., Suzhou Kelida Decoration Co., Ltd. provided curtain wall products for the project.