杭州瓜山未来社区项目 | 澳大利亚LAB建筑师事务所
阅读:11219 2020-06-19


Guashan Future Community Project is located in Shangtang sub-district, Hangzhou. As the first future community to be built and implemented in Zhejiang Province, it is also the only future community in the province where the original buildings are preserved and renovated. 


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▶    原有建筑现场照片 


The entire construction process of the Guashan community is to relocate the originalresidents as a whole and incorporate them into the systemic transformation ofthe original building site and rebuild the interpenetrating arrangement into boutiqueapartments, cultural and creative office, B&B and commercial streets.

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In view of th erenovation design of the first floor of the commercial street, the expansion of the original resident's house has become a noticeable commercial along the street. Through the consideration of the styling after the renovation of the facade of the apartment, as well as the targeted plan of the original house structure. 
▶    量身定制的商业街 


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The different facade solutions, combined with the commercial format, building wall color, shop area and street width, are respectively classified and designed to make the overall facade more active, rich in layers and logical; the new appearance of the old site gives people a fresh The sense of experience will be more eye-catching on the visual senses, attracting eyeballs, making it a brand new regional iconic community in the Guashan area.
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▶    量身定制的星光广场 

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The design of "Star Plaza" combines the analysis and research on the different functions of commerce around Dongyuan Plaza and theuse of people at different levels and dimensions. Based on the existingsite, the design will organize the pedestrian passage space through the height difference and interaction to organize the main line of people's action andactivity network, attract the crowds in the Guashan community to the square,and build the Guashan Community living room. 

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The star stage and celebration square in the center of the square can undertake various community-themed activities and city gatherings, and can usually become an open-air theater inthe Guashan community. This design structure provides a series of rich spaces,combined with different business formats around the square, giving each islandof Star Plaza different themes and functions, thus creating a square thatcombines function and landscape. 

▶    量身定制的仿生大树 

640 (2).png可持续发展的理念被充分融合进入设计。大型的景观绿化可以收集和循环利用雨水和径流。“仿生大树”的城市雕塑构筑装置散布在景观之中,不仅成为了视觉的焦点,也兼具了雨水收集、遮阳休憩、太阳能光伏板收集能量等功能。

The concept of sustainable development is fully integrated into the design. Large-scale landscape greening can collect and recycle rainwater and runoff. The “bionic big tree” urban sculpture construction device is scattered in the landscape,which not only becomes the focus of vision, but also has the functions of rainwater collection, sunshade relaxation, and solar photovoltaic panel energy collection.

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There is no shortcut to mountaineering. LAB is very honored to work with Langshiyu which is outstanding in sustainable development to reshape the green future for Guashan.


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