布宜诺斯艾利斯Summers大厦 | 法国AS建筑工作室
阅读:4318 2020-07-04

The Summers Building in Buenos Aires designed by Architecture Studio has just won the AFEX award.


来自AFEX官网 https://www.afex.fr/grand-prix

Summers大厦位于布宜诺斯艾利斯飞速发展的巴勒莫区(Palermo) 中心,功能为办公建筑。鉴于南美热带地区的特殊温润气候,工作室力求打造一种全新的舒适的办公空间。
This office building, situated in Buenos Aires in the heart of the rapidly-changing Palermo district, allowed us to imagine new ways of working in the special climate in this temperate region of South America.


A volume sculpted by the constraints of the site

The site is in the middle of a block alongside Rue Soler, consisted of two adjoining plots with a total width of 16.32m, with different heights of buildings running alongside. For the particularity of the position, the studio has researched the morphology of the block, urban regulations, and the building mass's exposure to solar, and confirmed matched the height of the tallest adjoining building. There to be continuity between the different planes of the façades prompted us to link the different volumes, adjoining buildings, balconies and terraces with an envelope defined by a precise set of straight lines and tangentially connected curves.

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A periscope acting as an attractive spinal column


To showcase the link between the different levels of the building, and to create a synergy between the work teams, the nucleus of the vertical circulations – positioned at the epicenter of the building – was designed in the form of a periscope. Thanks to a skylight in the roof and a large urban window, this periscope benefits from zenithal lighting and is entirely wrapped in glass blocks, it is lit by natural light where people can be pleasant to walk through, conducive to interactions, exchanges and encounters. Glass tiles also provide natural light in the areas of the office spaces furthest from the openings.

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A tertiary building with the best comfort conditions foreveryone
Following an exhaustive sunlight analysis, the envelope became a double skin consisting of pivoting, screen-printed glass panels 30cm wide. The glass slats alternate in random order, which subtly enlivens the urban façade. Opening the glass panels –which are organized in groups of four – controls the solar gain both for the interior of the building and for the semi-exterior space in-between. The movement of panels, the varying degrees of transparency, and the rays of the sun create a living façade, and greatly reducing the building's energy consumption.

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Possibilities of comfortable office space: 

  • 以传统方式在办公室办公,不受外界干扰;

  • 在玻璃面板的保护下完全打开凸窗,仿佛置身于室外,同时享受室内的舒适感;

  • 在两个外墙之间的阳台上设置一个更非正式的工作空间,自然通风且不受干扰。

  • Work in the office with the traditional manner, isolated from the outside;

  • Open the bay windows fully and – protected by the glass panels – feel as though you are outside while enjoying the comfort of the interior,

  • Arrange a more informal work space on the balcony between the two skins, which is naturally ventilated and protected from disturbance.

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参数设计 Parametric design 

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首层平面图 Plan of ground floor 

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2-5层平面图 Plan of 2-5F

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6层平面图 Plan of 6F

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剖面图 Section 

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