深圳兆鑫汇金广场 | FUKSAS
阅读:5787 2021-04-23


Zhaoxin Huijin Centre, Shenzhen, China

项目客户 Client | 深圳市兆鑫房地产开发有限公司

项目地址 Location | 深圳市罗湖区深南东路与建设路交界处

状态 Status | 在建

功能 Programme | 商业,办公,公寓,住宅

面积 Area | 140,593 平方米

A塔高度 Building Height (Tower A) | 261米

B塔高度 Building Height (Tower B) | 153米


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兆鑫汇金广场项目 | Zhaoxin Huijin Centre

由福克萨斯建筑事务所设计的兆鑫汇金广场项目施工进展顺利。本项目位于深圳市罗湖区的核心地段,紧邻深南大道,面朝深圳的重要地标建筑 - 地王大厦与京基100大厦。

Designed by Studio Fuksas, the construction of Zhaoxin Huijin Centre has been well progressing. The project is located within a key area of Luohu, Shenzhen, adjacent to Shennan Avenue, facing two of the most iconic Shenzhen landmark buildings - Di Wang Tower and KK100. 

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A塔 (上) | Tower A (Top)

B塔 (中) | Tower B (Middle)

裙楼 (下) | The Podium (Bottom)


The project includes 3 buildings, Tower A, Tower B and the Podium. Tower A, thanks to its height of 261m, defined as a landmark tower, whilst Tower B is a residential tower of 153m tall. They come together as a whole connected by the Podium of commercial and retail use.

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A塔 (上) | Tower A (Top)

B塔 (中) | Tower B (Middle)

A塔屋顶施工情况 (下) | Tower A's Roof Construction Update (Bottom)


The project is currently well progressing with its facade system to be in place, and the overall design delivers an impressive sense, ready to be part of the local context and Shenzhen's skyline.

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