上海天文馆 | Ennead建筑事务所
阅读:7306 2021-07-16




 Offering a powerful, immersive spatial experience, the design demonstrates key astronomical principles and helps visitors to conceptualize the impact of the universe around them



上海天文馆即将于7月18日正式开馆,位于纽约和上海的知名国际建筑事务所Ennead表示祝贺。上海天文馆由Ennead建筑事务所设计合伙人Thomas J. Wong设计,致力于营造沉浸式体验,让游客可以与各种天文现象直接互动,并通过对比例、形态以及光线的细致处理,提升人们对于太阳和地球轨道运动这一基本关系的认知。作为上海科技馆分馆,全新的上海天文馆占地42万平方英尺(约3.9万平方米),将成为全球规模最大的天文学主题博物馆。

Ennead Architects, the acclaimed international architecture firm based in New York City and Shanghai, celebrates the grand opening of the Shanghai Astronomy Museum. Designed by Thomas J. Wong of Ennead, the monumental new museum creates an immersive experience that places visitors in direct engagement with real astronomical phenomena. Through scale, form, and the manipulation of light, the building heightens awareness of our fundamental relationship to the sun and the earth’s orbital motion. At 420,000 square feet, the new astronomical branch of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum will be the largest museum worldwide solely dedicated to the study of astronomy. Click here for images of the Shanghai Astronomy Museum.

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Ennead建筑事务所设计合伙人Thomas J. Wong表示:“在设计过程中,我们希望打造一个可以将天文馆的功能和建筑实体完全融合的存在,让建筑本身兼具教学意义,因此天文馆的建筑外形也借鉴了部分宇宙运行的基本原理。设计灵感源于我们希望将人们内心对天文的认知融入到设计之中,让游客在迈入天文馆之前便能从建筑外观完整地获得这一体验,而在参观的尾声,通过直接与星空接触,还可以感受宇宙的浩瀚无边,而这整个旅程都离不开建筑本身的支撑。”

“In making this building, we wanted to create a place where the institutional mission is fully enmeshed with an architecture that itself is teaching, and finds form in some of the fundamental principles that shape our universe,” said Thomas J. Wong, Design Partner at Ennead Architects. “The big idea of the Shanghai Astronomy Museum was to infuse a visceral experience of the subject matter into the design, and to deliver that before you even enter the building. And at the end of your visit, there is this culminating moment directly with the sky, which is framed and supported by the architecture.”

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Winners of the international design competition in 2014, Ennead delivered an architecturally ambitious design – without straight lines or right angles, echoing the geometry of the universe and the dynamic energy of celestial movement. Wong drew inspiration from the classic “three-body problem” in physics, looking to the intricate choreographies created by gravitational attraction of multiple bodies within solar systems. This is reflected in the winding architectural ribbons of the Museum’s facade. The building’s envelope traces a series of arcing paths that are visibly influenced by gravitational pull: the heart of the central atrium, the forward momentum at the entry, and the planet-like sphere that envelopes the planetarium theater. The Museum and each of the three principal architectural components that define the design – the Oculus, Inverted Dome and Sphere – act as functioning astronomical instruments, tracking the sun, moon, and stars.





The Oculus, suspended above the main entry to the Museum, demonstrates the passage of time by tracking a circle of sunlight on the ground across the entry plaza and reflecting pool. At noon during the summer solstice, there is a full circle, which aligns with a circular platform within the Museum's entry plaza. The Oculus creates a veritable time piece in the civic square. 

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The Sphere houses the planetarium theater, which is half submerged in the building. With minimal visible support, it evokes an illusion of weightlessness or anti-gravity. The pure spherical form references the primordial shapes in our universe and, like the orientation we yield from our position relative to the sun or moon, becomes an ever-present reference point for the visitor. The Sphere derives its shape not only from the requirements of the programmatic element it contains, but as an abstract manifestation of a primary celestial form. Embedded in the roof plane of the lower Museum wing, as if rising out of the Earth-bound horizon, the sphere gradually emerges into view as one rounds the building, the drama unfolding as though one were approaching a planet from one of its moons, allowing visitors to experience it as a weightless mass from below. 

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The Inverted Dome is a large inverted glass tension structure which sits on top of the central atrium of the building at the roof line so visitors can occupy the center of the glass dish with an unimpeded view of the sky. The culmination of the exhibit journey, this space cuts the view of the horizon and adjacent urban context and focuses the visitor on the all-encompassing sky – a real encounter with the universe to conclude the simulated experience within. The 720-degree spiraling ramp inside the Museum and underneath the Inverted Dome traces the orbital flow of the visitor sequence throughout the Museum exhibits and launches the eye upward to its apex.

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 Set within an expansive green zone, the Museum grounds include a host of buildings and programming including temporary and permanent exhibits, a 78-foot solar telescope, an observatory, an optical Planetarium, Education and Research Center, and Digital Sky Theater. Programming at the Museum will feature immersive environments, artifacts and instruments of space exploration, and educational exhibitry.

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Ennead is well known for designing iconic cultural centers around the world, including the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City; the William J. Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas; and the Natural History Museum of Utah, among many others. This project marks a significant achievement for Ennead in China, where the firm’s deep experience and commitment to public space have yielded transformative buildings with incredible public impact.  Since the opening of the Shanghai office in 2014, Ennead’s work in China spans ground-up new construction of hi-tech and commercial office complexes, to adaptive re-use of existing historic and industrial buildings, to major cultural projects, with a total of more than 2.4 million square meters of building area.

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上海天文馆项目由Ennead设计合伙人Thomas J. Wong和Ennead管理合伙人V. Guy Maxwell共同主导,由Ennead董事兼亚太区总监陈昕昉担任管理负责人,由上海建筑设计研究院担任本地设计院。

The project was led by Ennead Design Partner Thomas J. Wong and Ennead Management Partner, V. Guy Maxwell. The LDI for the project is Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design and Research.


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项目名称: 上海天文馆


项目地点: 上海市浦东新区临港大道380号

设计单位:Ennead建筑事务所 合作方:上海建筑设计研究院






主创建筑师/设计师: Ennead设计合伙人Thomas J. Wong和Ennead管理合伙人V. Guy Maxwell共同主导,





摄影师:Arch-Exist 存在建筑

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