特拉维夫佩雷斯和平之家 | FUKSAS
阅读:2693 2021-07-31

项目客户 Client | 佩雷斯和平中心

竣工时间 Completion Year | 2009

面积 GFA | 2,500 平方米

功能 Programs | 纪念堂

室内设计 Interior Design | 福克萨斯建筑事务所

景观设计 Landscape | TeMA

工程设计 Engineering | Rokach-Ashkenazi – Engineer, Consultant Ltd.

结构设计 Structural Design | Kal-Binian Ltd

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佩雷斯和平之家 | Peres Peace House ©Amit Geron


To be dedicated to peace is an immensely taxing undertaking of profound ethical significance. Peace is not only a spiritual condition, but also an aspiration: tension and utopia. After all, this is all about the sensation and emotion that Peres Peace House is delivering.

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佩雷斯和平之家 | Peres Peace House ©Amit Geron


The projection of will into the future is also an expression of hope that our children and future generation will live in a better world.

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佩雷斯和平之家 | Peres Peace House ©Amit Geron


Peace cannot be enclosed in wrapping: it is, rather, a sensation of fullness and serenity that can be communicated through a place, or through architecture.

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层层堆叠的体量 | The Volume Layers ©Amit Geron


I have thought of a series of layers, a building that represents "time" and "patience" in strata of alternating materials representing places that have suffered heavily. Concretecomposed of alternating and superimposed types of sand and aggregate. A stone basement to raise the building, a meeting place from which two long staircases leading to a place of “rest”, whose size and height, full of light from above, helps us to forget the troubles of the world, and fill us with the positive attitude that is needed for our meeting with other men and other women.

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多功能厅 | Auditorium ©Amit Geron ©Amit Geron


The outside of the building has alternate layers of concrete and translucent glass. The transparency of the glass will filter the light through to the inside during the day, and by night will send it back outside, entrusting this magical image with the spiritual and concrete message the site will inspire.

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Architecture today must set itself as an aid, a hand to help us cope with the difficulties. This is a derived responsibility, and also a mission.


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