巴林湾能源中心大厦 | 盖博建筑设计
阅读:3128 2021-08-06


Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 夜景效果图 Night View

中东第一座零能耗的超高层建筑 - 将传统自然通风技术转化成为尖端的建筑技术。

The first zero-primary-energy high-rise in Middle East that transfers traditional techniques of natural ventilation into cutting-edge building technology.

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项目简述  I  Project Introduction

德国盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten,与环境工程公司迪索工程咨询有限公司DS Plan合作,在位于中东巴林王国的首都麦纳麦,设计了能源中心大厦Energy Tower/Burj Al-Taga,这是一个具有划时代意义的,专门为了满足中东地区能耗需求而设计的生态高层建筑。目前项目正在施工中。
With the design for the “Energy Tower / Burj Al-Taqa”, the German architectural firm Gerber Architekten GmbH in cooperation with the environmental engineers DS-Plan has presented plans for a revolutionary ecological high-rise building especially designed to meet the particular demands of the Middle East. The realization of the Energy Tower is now being prepared.
The Energy Tower transfers the traditional techniques of natural ventilation as used in the historic wind towers of the Middle East into cutting-edge building technology. The building is highly energy efficient and 100% energy self-sufficient. It produces itself 100% of its own energy demand through renewable resources. 

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Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 总体效果图 Perspective

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 Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 基地现状site condition

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 Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 盖博教授勘察现场 Professor Gerber visited the site



Ecological quality and energy conservation

与同类型超高建筑相比,能源中心大厦的能耗最多可减少 60%,其余 40% 的能源来自可再生能源。 由于采用 100% 风驱动通风,可以节省 30% 以上的能源。 太阳能遮阳板Solar Shield 围绕建筑物旋转,跟踪太阳产生的能量,提供有效的遮阳,以最佳的表面/体积比,真空玻璃外墙,冷却天花板,冷热空气/水交换等建筑节能技术,节省了 30%的能耗。剩余的40%,则全部通过新能源提供,采用的主要技术包括塔楼顶端的风力涡轮机,以及太阳能板。并为附近的楼宇提供所需的电力。
The Energy Tower requires up to 60% less energy than a comparable reference building and covers the remaining 40% solely from renewable energy sources. Due to the 100% wind driven ventilation more than 30% energy can be saved. Additional 30% are saved due to the Solar Shield rotating around the building tracking the sun producing power and providing efficient sun protection, optimal surface/volume ratio, vacuum glazing, chilled ceiling slabs and air/water heat exchangers naturally pre-cooling the supply air. The crowning Darrieus Wind Turbine, PV on the Solar Shield and the surrounding Beach Mall provide the necessary power. 
Being operated with zero primary energy and emitting zero CO2, the Energy Tower actively contributes to stop the global climate change and thus defines a new generation of sustainable high-rise buildings.

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Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 效果图 Perspective

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设计说明  I  Project Description


Transforming traditional architecture

能源中心大厦高度创新的建筑概念,受到传统阿拉伯建筑技术“风塔”的启发。在夏季温度达到 50°C 的地区,传统的阿拉伯建筑依靠“风塔”提供完全生态的自然通风。风塔将室内的热风转化为凉爽的微风,从而最大限度地提高室内舒适度。

The highly innovative building concept of the Energy Tower is based on the analysis of the so-called wind towers as part of the traditional Arabian architecture. In a region with temperatures reaching 50°C, wind towers provide an entirely ecological ventilation by using the energy of the wind only. The wind towers are transforming the hot wind into a cooling breeze inside the houses and thus maximise indoor comfort.

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传统阿拉伯建筑技术“风塔”及其自然通风原理示意 the traditional wind tower


The Energy Tower transfers these principles into the modern structure of a 60-story high-rise building by using the energy of the wind for the ventilation of the entire building. Thus, any mechanical ventilation system becomes obsolete. By these, energy consumption is reduced to 70 percent of a common high rise.


The ECO Atria

The entire ventilation of the building is wind driven. A double-layered façade envelops the entire tower. It serves to evacuate the exhaust air of the building. Using the pressure differences that occur permanently through wind and thermal uplift it is powered entirely by natural forces.
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Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 双层建筑表皮 double-layers facade

The exhaust air that is extracted out of the building creates negative pressure inside the double-layered façade. This negative pressure is used to evacuate the exhaust air of each level. Through this fresh, chilled, and conditioned supply air is sucked in from the Central Atrium and the perimeter atria. This air movement is also supported by a minimal positive pressure in the atria. The amount of air that enters and exists is individually steered by sensor-controlled louvres.
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Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 生态通风ventilation system


The Wind turbine crowning the building

能源中心大厦的顶部是如同“皇冠”一般的风力涡轮机,可产生生态风力。涡轮机高约6m,宽约10m,被设置在建筑物顶部,是风速最高的位置。设计使用的涡轮机为Darrieus型号,(专利号 4-06-05-6331)是一种垂直安装的涡轮机,形态仿佛金色的火焰,象征着对可持续性发展,以及对使用自然资源的尊重。
The top of the building is crowned by a wind turbine generating ecological wind power. The wind turbine with about 6m height and 10m width is installed on the top of the building because there the highest wind speed is to be expected.
The patented design (patent No.4-06-05-6331) is based on the Darrieus type, a vertically mounted turbine. Its outstanding, flame-like shape turns into a symbol of sustainability and the respectful use of natural resources. 
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风力涡轮机The Wind turbine


Rotating Solar Shield



A newly developed sun protection device – the Solar Shield – rotates around the building while tracking the sun. It prevents the interior of the building from being heated up by the sun. It covers  60°segment of the full circle, and doesn’t block the view and hinders daylight to enter on the other  300°where no sun protection is desired.
The solar shield runs on rails in the gap of the double -layered façade. This way it is permanently protected from the outside climate, sand, and salt of the sea water. Positioned inside the exhaust air conducting façade it also enhances the thermal up lift to support the naturally driven ventilation of the building.
In addition to the sun protection the solar shield is also generating electric power by its coat of photovoltaics. 
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Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten; 旋转太阳盾 Rotating Solar Shield


Daylight System

The Energy Tower is equipped with highly advanced daylight systems to maximize the harvest of natural light and to minimize the energy demand on artificial lighting. The comfort and healthiness of spaces is also enhanced by increasing the availability of daylight.
The entire roof area of the building is used for heliostats, highly reflective mirrors, to collect and project the direct sun light on the head of the light cone. The mirrors are changing constantly their orientation following the cause of the sun. 
The light cone brings all captured light deeply down into the centre of the building. Holographic optic elements mounted on the inner wall of the light cone distribute the light storey wise in the central atrium and beyond.
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Ⓒ盖博建筑事务所Gerber Architekten;中庭采光体系 Daylight System


Concept Positioning

All technical elements serve a significant architecture which meets highest demands in space and comfort. The Energy Tower combines office, hotel, and residential spaces as well as the respect to nature and Ecology.
In the matter of cultural identity, the Energy Tower inspired by the traditional wind towers of the middle east offers a contemporary building with which the residing population can relate with. It fills them with pride realizing their own traditional building techniques have regained value. 

项目信息 Project Data

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