2019年建筑文化学院 (aac) 春季工作坊招募——德累斯顿日本宫改造
阅读:6972 2018-12-16


aac(建筑文化学院)2019年春季工作坊将以“日本宫”为题,对德累斯顿最后一座尚未翻新的大型博物馆“日本宫”(Japanisches Palais)进行改造设计和功能梳理。为了未来相关的展览开放,对这座一直以来相当内敛的宫殿建筑的改造迫在眉睫。日本宫位于易北河北岸的中心地区,可以直接欣赏到德累斯顿的著名地标茨温格宫(Zwinger)以及森柏歌剧院(Semperoper),是德累斯顿博物馆建筑景观群的重要组成部分。

The spring workshop of the Academy for Architectural Culture is dedicated to the development of designs for a redesign and reorientation of the "Japanisches Palais" in Dresden. The Japanisches Palais is the last large museum in Dresden that has not yet been renovated. Previously a rather introverted palace building, its opening to a future-relevant exhibition building is imminent. With its central location on the northern bank of the Elbe, in direct view of the Zwinger and the Semperoper, it is a significant building block in the important museum landscape of Dresden.

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The Japanische Palais in Dresden © Enno Maass

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Luftbild/Satelite view © 2018 Google Earth Pro


The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) are the oldest and currently second largest museum association in Germany with over 450 years of history. In their museums, the SKD show masterpieces of world renown, especially Raphael's "Sistine Madonna" in the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, as well as exhibits from the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe and the Neues Grünes Gewölbe.


Elector Augustus the First founded the Art Cabinet in Dresden in 1560, which is to be seen as the foundation of the SKD's important collection. With the founding of this museum, he combined handicrafts and fine arts as well as scientific and mathematical instruments and objects. This collection was not only conceived as an exhibition, but also as a "working collection". August the First had his own working area on site and created objects there, but also provided the regional craftsmen with tools, books and materials for experimentation and design in order to develop the collection further and keep it alive. This aspect of the "working collection" is of great importance for the new museum concept in the Japanisches Palais, since the intention is to actively involve the public in the museum events beyond the purely aesthetic examination of the exhibited objects, e.g. through accessible show workshops and interactive museum installations.


The involvement and integration of the public will thus also be decisive for the architectural concept of the new museum model, whereby the structural implementation of accessibility and transparency is one of the challenges of the workshop.

In addition, besides the permanent and temporary exhibition areas, the new space allocation programme includes spacious foyer areas with public functions designed to provide visitors with the necessary orientation and a high quality of stay.


The task of the aac workshop is to develop a design solution for a future project with high public interest and cultural value in an important historical building. The programme to be realised is again based on real conditions and requirements and was created in cooperation with the SKD for the actual location.


Designs are conceived and developed in internationally composed groups. In addition to tutorials and interim presentations, the workshop will be accompanied by a public lecture programme. A joint excursion to Dresden is also part of the workshop programme.
At the end of the workshop, the results are planned to be shown in the form of an exhibition both in the premises of aac in Hamburg and in the Japanisches Palais in Dresden.


Please click “Read More” at the bottom to download Prospectus, find out more about the application. The workshop will take place between 13 March and 5 April 2019, and the application deadline is 14 Jan 2019.

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Campus Rainvilleterrasse © Marcus Bredt

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aac students on top of aac roof terrace © Julia Ackermann

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aac workshop in teams © Julia Ackermann

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aac workshop in teams © Jochen Stüber

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Terrace view in Campus Rainvilleterrasse © Heiner Leiska

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