2019新加坡设计周系列活动 HASSELL Dialogues + HASSELL Junior
阅读:6786 2019-04-11



两场围绕着“工作/学习”以及“设计领导力”展开的行业讨论活动现场气氛活跃,建筑师、设计师、我们的朋友和设计爱好者积极参与了讨论。“工作/学习”探讨了学习以及工作的未来,以及以社区为中心的文化进行设计的重要性。参与小组讨论的嘉宾包括来自新加坡管理大学的Gulcin Cribb、Lekker建筑事务所的Ong Ker Shing以及HASSELL新加坡事务所的Tamagin Blake-Smith和Pamela Jouwena,活动由来自Indesign 媒体集团(亚洲区)的Narelle Yabuka主持。

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Razvan Ghilic-Micu(HASSELL)主持了第二场讨论活动,讨论围绕“设计领导力”展开,来自出版及设计顾问The Press Room的Kelley Cheng、Zarch Collaboratives建筑事务所的Randy Chan、建筑古迹修复与研究事务所Studio Lapis的Ho Weng Hin、小智研發的Tan Szue Hann以及HASSELL新加坡事务所的Fiona Nixon作为嘉宾参与讨论。

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“在HASSELL工作,我们坚信文化的重要,我们将同行设计师聚集到一起,开诚布公地辩论我们所开展的工作的重要性及相关方面,并向听众以及客户传达这些思辨。每一场对话都充满着智慧,是不同观点的碰撞,从而形成作为创意人士共同的使命感。”HASSELL建筑设计主管Razvan Ghilic-Micu说。

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一周后,我们邀请孩子和他们的家庭参加在新加坡事务所举办的HASSELL Junior活动,和我们的建筑师、室内设计师以及城市设计专家一起,畅想“管状城市”的未来。在事务所安全开放的环境中,我们和小朋友一边玩一边用“设计行业的工具”探索了设计世界。本场活动的所有物料由Interface慷慨提供。活动现场热闹非凡,最终我们获得了一座令人惊叹的未来城市,现在正放置于我们事务所中。

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A meaningful conversation about the future of design and the chance to engage the youngest members of our community – we recently opened the doors of our Tras Street shophouse HASSELL studio to host a number of events as part of the official Singapore Design Week program.  

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Two lively and relevant industry discussions were held around the topics of WORK/LEARN and Design Leadership, and we were joined by fellow architects, designers, friends and design enthusiasts. WORK/LEARN explored the future of learning and working, and the importance of designing for a community-centric culture with panellists Gulcin Cribb (Singapore Management University), Ong Ker Shing (Lekker Architects), Tamagin Blake-Smith and Pamela Jouwena (HASSELL). The discussion was moderated by Narelle Yabuka (Indesign Media Asia). 

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Razvan Ghilic-Micu (HASSELL) led the second discussion which focused on the topic of Design Leadership, and he was joined by Kelley Cheng (The Press Room), Randy Chan (Zarch Collaboratives), Ho Weng Hin (Studio Lapis), Tan Szue Hann (MiniWiz) and Fiona Nixon (HASSELL). 

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“At HASSELL, we strongly believe in the cultural importance of getting together with fellow designers to openly debate topics of importance and relevance to the work we do, to our audience and our clients. Each conversation is a source of knowledge as it brings together different perspectives, and cultivates a joint sense of mission we have as creatives,” said Razvan Ghilic-Micu, Associate at HASSELL.

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A week later, HASSELL Junior saw us throw open our studio doors and invite children and their families to join our team of architects, interior designers and urban specialists to dream up an amazing future together in the form of a Tube City. In the safe open house setting of our studio, we playfully explored the world of design together with ‘tools of the design trade’ and a generous donation of materials from Interface. The event was a hit again – it was crowded, loud and the outcome was an impressive city on the floor of our studio. 

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