IFG奖项 | IFG提名四项国际设计大奖
阅读:5518 2019-11-30

IFG is thrilled to announce 5 nominations for 4 international highly acclaimed awards!


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The year of 2020 is around the corner and it is the season of harvest. This year IFG has been contributing again to the world of design with realizing several ambitious and boundary pushing projects. As in return, 4 of our proudest projects are nominated for 4 international well-known design awards. 


We are more than proud to announce the following nominations:


The A&D Trophy Awards 2019 – Hong Kong:

CIFI Showflat – Shortlisted for BEST SHOWFLAT

A&D Trophy 大奖 (香港) – 旭辉样板房  入围 “最佳样板房”


Different ambiences


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Expressive furnishings


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A space full of colors


The A&D Trophy Awards (previously Perspective Awards) were created in 2004 to celebrate excellence in architecture, interior design and product design across Asia-Pacific and beyond, with a panel of expert local and international judges ensuring that only genuinely exceptional work is rewarded. The A&D Trophy Awards 2019 ceremony will be held on December 2nd, 2019 in Hong Kong.

A&D Trophy 大奖(原Perspective大奖)早于2004 年开始举办由海内外多位业界专家担任评审,以表扬亚太区内以至区外优秀的建筑、室内和产品设计。2019年度颁奖典礼将于122日在中国香港举行。

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Dirk and Yanyu represented IFG at A&D China Awards 2018


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IFG's "Shades of Grey" Showflat won both A&D Trophy awards and A&D China Awards in 2018 in Best Showflat

IFG的“灰色层染”样板房分别赢得了2018年A&D Trophy大奖和A&D中国大奖的“最佳样板房”

International Design Media Award (IDMA) 2019 – Shenzhen:

CIFI Show apartment – Shortlisted for BEST SHOWFLAT

2019国际设计传媒奖 (IDMA,深圳) – 旭辉样板房  入围 “最佳样板房”

International Design Media Award was created in 2003 by one of the most popular architecture and interior design magazines “Modern Decoration Home”. Their motto is to “judge from a media prospective” and since 16 years they have been one of the most professional award platforms for local design projects.  This year’s International Design Media Award ceremony will be happening on December 6th, 2019 in Shenzhen.


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IFG's "Shades of Grey" Showflat won Annual Showflat Award and "Maisonette P155" won Annual Decoration & Furnishings Space Award in IDMA 2018


Best of Year Awards 2019 – New York City:

WuJiaoChang SOHO 3Q – Finalist for CO-WORKING SPACE

2019 Best of Year大奖 (纽约) – 五角场SOHO 3Q – 入围“最佳共享办公空间”

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A distinctive entrance 


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Individual floors for unique identities


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A staircase connects it all


Best of Year Awards 2019 – New York City:

CIFI Chongqing Sales Center “The Landscape”– Finalist for SALES CENTER

2019 Best of Year大奖 – 旭辉∙江山雲出售楼中心 – 入围“最佳售楼中心”

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A sales center like an art gallery


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Customer journey in a dual sense


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Inside-outside flow for continuous connection to nature



Interior Design's Best of Year is the design industry's premier design awards program, honoring the most significant work of the year as well as recognizing designers, architects and manufacturers from around the globe. This year’s ceremony will be held on December 6thin Jacob K. Javits Convention Center,NYC.

美国权威杂志《室内设计》主办的Best of Year设计大奖是设计行业最早的奖项之一,大奖不仅仅是为了评选年度最出彩的设计,同样为了表彰业内最佳的设计和建筑人才为设计行业做出的杰出贡献。今年的颁奖典礼将于12月6日在纽约的Jacob K. Javits Convention Center举行。


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Peter Ippolito & Gunter Fleitz are the first German designers inaugurated into NYC’s prestigious Interior Design’s “Hall of Fame” in 2015


Frame awards 2020 – Amsterdam

Roman Klis Design Office – Longlisted for SMALL OFFICE OF THE YEAR

2020 Frame awards大奖(阿姆斯特丹) – Roman Klis设计公司 – 入围“最佳小型工作空间”

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Roman Klis Design Office in Herrenberg

位于黑伦贝格的Roman Klis设计公司

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Working oasis


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Stars in the sky



The Frame Awards is the first and only global interior design awards with a truly holistic approach. It identifies and honors the world’s best interior projects, but also the people behind them. Peter Ippolito, Co-Founder of IFG was invited as an honored judge for The Frame Awards 2019. The ceremony of the Frame Awards 2020 will be held on February 19th& 20th in Amsterdam.

The Frame设计大奖在国际室内设计奖项里拥有最完整的评选体系,不仅各项出色的室内设计作品得到认可,作品背后的团队同样占享荣誉。IFG的联合创始人Peter Ippolito在上一届的The Frame设计大奖受评委会邀请参与了大奖的评选活动。2020年度的颁奖典礼将于2月19日和20日在阿姆斯特丹举行。

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Peter in the jury panel of The Frame Awards 2019

2019 The Frame大奖Peter作为大奖委之一

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The Frame Awards 2019 ceremony

2019年The Frame设计大奖颁奖典礼现场

Fingers crossed & we will keep you posted!


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由ASPECT Studios设计的武汉金地中法仟佰汇项目荣获2018 IDA(International Design Award)国际设计大奖建筑-景观设计类银奖。
北京时间2月27日,美国IDA国际设计奖(The International Design Awards)官方网站公布了12th International Design Awards获奖名单,AAD长厦安基再次凭借西安·万科·理想城和重庆·万科·美好生活体验中心从全球各地数以千计件参赛作品中脱颖而出,分别获得了新型商业建筑-金奖和银奖!


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