MVRDV联合创始人Winy Maas成为荷兰注册景观建筑师
阅读:5162 2020-04-27


图/Image: Barbra Verbij

MVRDV联合创始人Winy Maas

Winy Maas, Founding Partner of MVRDV

MVRDV is proud to announce that founding partner Winy Maas has been officially registered as a Landscape Architect in the Dutch Bureau Architectenregister. Winy completed his studies as a landscape designer in 1983 at RHSTL Boskoop. Shortly afterwards, he embarked on a brief 30-year diversion into architecture and urbanism, completing an architecture and urbanism degree at TU Delft in 1990, registering as an architect and urban planner on the Bureau Architectenregister in 1992, and founding MVRDV in 1993.

虽然Winy Maas已经从事建筑师工作近30年,但他总是将景观建筑师的视角带入MVRDV的项目中。“我们在设计时总是被景观所深深吸引——无论是在环境方面还是在哲学方面”,Winy Maas说道:“景观建筑师是驾驭空间和时间设计的最佳实践者。他们是全景图的大师,作品遍及从XS到XL的各个尺度。”

Though he has practiced as an architect for close to 30 years, Winy always brought the perspective of a landscape architect to the work of MVRDV. “Our work has always been fascinated by landscape – in both an environmental and a philosophical way”, says Winy. “Landscape architects are the design practitioners with the best overview of space and time. They are the masters of the panorama, working on all scales from XS to XL.”

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图/Image: The Why Factory


Poster of Green Dip

这种思想的最佳例证是即将出版的《绿色渲染》(The Green Dip)一书,由Winy Maas在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学创立和领导的智库“The Why Factory”研究发布。这项研究探索了在城市进行激进型绿化的想法,设想了一个建筑表皮可能完全被植物包裹的世界。荷兰建筑师委员会在接受Winy Maas的职称变更申请时,他们表示 “非常欣赏Maas先生跨学科地实践他的专业,并期待他未来的作品。”

The apotheosis of this thinking is in The Green Dip, the soon-to-be-published research from The Why Factory, Winy’s think tank at TU Delft. This research investigates the idea of a radical greening of our cities, envisaging a world in which our buildings might be entirely coated in an external layer of plants. In accepting his application to alter his registration, the committee of the Bureau Architectenregister expressed that it “appreciates the interdisciplinary way in which Mr. Maas practices his profession and looks forward to his future publications.”

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英国皇家建筑师学会会刊记者Pamela Buxton采访MVRDV联合创始人Winy Maas:“工作场所、住宅和城市设计都是相互关联的,” Winy Maas说道,“这是一个重新思考我们期待的建筑环境的机会——我们必须是积极的贡献者。”
2020-06-06MVRDV RIBA Journal Winy Maas 对话  阅读:3465
2019年12月8日夜,北京“玉河夜话”沙龙舞台,MVRDV联合创始人之一威尼·马斯(Winy Maas)担任主讲人。
2020-01-18MVRDV Winy Maas 专访 MVRDV  阅读:4292


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