丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂” | SHL
阅读:4341 2021-06-18
“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL


The IBC Innovation Factory is designed to support new ways of learning. The 12,800m2 educational building is the result of a refurbishment project of the paint manufacturer GORI’s factory from 1978, which set new standards for factories at the time.

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL


With the acquisition of the GORI factory in the summer of 2010, the IBC gained access to a unique physical environment characterized by an impressive pioneering spirit and vision.

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL


t was the first factory plant in Denmark to unite production and management in one large room, allowing visual connection between the two. In the spirit of the original factory the re-development has created the settings for a ground-breaking and creative learning environment, aiming to become the world’s best. The ambition is to be a training camp for future innovators.

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL


By using six elements – fire, water, greenery, light, sound and air – the concept for the new Innovation Factory was developed with an emphasis on stimulating the users’ senses.

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL


The ambition of the building is to be a training camp for future innovators.

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL

创始合伙人John Foldbjerg Lassen 说:“学生、教师还有商务人士能够在这个独一无二的空间里会面、相互学习。建筑将制造、激励这种偶遇。中心的教学设施采用花旗松材质的‘景观型家具’其最主要设计理念就是基于这个宗旨创建的,营造出丰富的学习空间与使用体验,我们相信这种品质和满足感将有利于创意的萌发。”

“Students, teachers, and the business world can meet and learn from each other in this unique setting. The building should support and inspire this encounter. The main architectural concept behind the ‘landscape furniture’ is created in that spirit. We are convinced that the experience of quality and well-being is highly conducive to creativity,” explains John F. Lassen

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL

法国艺术家Jean Dewasne装饰的大型颜料罐能够激发人们的灵感,同时提供更好的学习环境。

The large paint tanks were decorated by the French artist Jean Dewasne, with the idea that art in the workplace would inspire employees and provide a better working environment.

“木盒子”学习空间:丹麦IBC国际商学院“创新工厂”by SHL

项目概况 Facts 

规模 Size

15,200 m²

状态 Status



业主 Client


IBC International Business College, Kolding

工程顾问 Engineer

Rambøll A/S

施工方 Contractor

MT Højgaard a/s, Odense

其他顾问 Other consultants

Alectia (fire)


About Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 

SHL建筑事务所于1986年创立于丹麦奥胡斯。作为斯堪的纳维亚地区最富盛名的设计事务所之一,公司目前在丹麦哥本哈根、奥胡斯和上海设有办公室。我们在全球范围内提供专业的建筑服务,在国际上拥有诸多享有口碑和影响力的设计。主要设计领域和项目实践有:文化公建和教育建筑、办公建筑、商业及零售建筑、多功能建筑及城市综合体、改造和城市更新设计。我们提供完整的设计方案,从室内设计到整体设计,从概念设计到总体规划,从建筑细节到城市发展、景观规划。我们在图书馆、文化和大型公建项目上尤其经验丰富,拥有许多地标性的设计。我们的设计根植于开放包容的斯堪的纳维亚建筑美学传统,将美感、光线的利用、可持续性和社会责任紧密结合。我们在建筑设计上的创新性、可持续性和开放性吸引了许多国际上的关注,也为我们赢得了100多个国内外著名的奖项。2018年,SHL加入Perkins&Will。更多详情,请前往 www.shl.dk

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986. The firm is one of Scandinavia’s most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. Working out of studios located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Shanghai, the firm provides skilled architectural services all over the world, with a distinguished track record as designers of international, high-profile architecture. Cultural and educational buildings, offices, commercial, retail, and residential buildings, often in mixed-use developments and complex urban contexts, are cornerstones of the firm’s output. The practice has extensive global experience in the design of libraries and other public and cultural landmark buildings, and its innovative, sustainable, and democratic approach to architecture has attracted global attention, winning more than 100 national and international awards. In 2018, Schmidt Hammer Lassen became part of global architecture and design firm Perkins&Will. For more information, visit www.shl.dk.

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