阅读:6100 2021-11-01



WATG’s vision for a new town development in Indonesia


While it’s still too early to sense the pandemic’s permanent impact on our urban spaces, there is no denying that the past eighteen months has encouraged everyone to reconsider their relationship with the look, feel and function of the places we live, work and play. Could 2022 be the year we see real change? Our master planning and landscape architects share their predictions for the future of our cities, from greater emphasis on mental health to the end of single-use zoning, the evolution of the home, and more.

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休斯顿市中心,德克萨斯州,by Vlad Busuioc

Downtown Houston, Texas, by Vlad Busuioc



 Learning from Houston… finally.

位于德克萨斯州的休斯顿是美国少数几个没有传统土地使用法和严格分区的城市之一。虽然建筑法规仍适用,但在美国乃至全世界大多数城市鲜明的 “单一用途分区”现象,在休斯顿几乎完全见不到。因此,随着时间的推移,许多最初只为单一目的而建的居所都已形成了充满活力的混合用途社区。像Montrose这样的社区允许酒吧、咖啡馆和理发店在过去建造的独户住宅内同时经营。此类条件下产生的活力、灵活性和创造性,在某种意义上也是我们希望新冠肺炎疫情的影响能为世界上其他城市所带来的新事物。我猜想,此次疫情将对分区和发展法规的重新评估带来长期的影响。例如,我们如何定义 “好城市”,以及如何确保它们能够在适当的监管下发展。

Houston, Texas, is one of the few cities in the US without a strong zoning and land use law tradition. Building codes apply, of course, but the “single-use zoning” so evident in most US cities and in many others around the world is almost entirely absent. As a result, vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhoods have developed over time in many places that were originally built for a single purpose. Neighbourhoods like Montrose permit bars, coffee shops, and hairdressers to operate in former single-family homes. The resulting vibrancy, flexibility, and inventiveness is what COVID will – hopefully – bring to other cities around the world.

A reassessment of zoning and development regulations overall is what I predict will be the longer-term impact of the pandemic: how we define the “Good City” and how to ensure it can be developed in appropriate regulatory environments.

—Chris Panfil,副总裁兼城市规划及设计总监

—Chris Panfil, Vice President and Director of Planning and Urban Design

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WATG纽约市Flatiron District的绿色愿景

WATG‘s vision for a greener Flatiron Districtin NYC



Stronger connections between nature and humankind

对我而言,这一切都和城市设计与改善居住者的心理健康密不可分。我们与心理学家Dr Audrey Tang在这方面合作了很多年。这两者间的联系正变得越发紧密,尤其在城市,因为我们正试图阻止自己经历一场心理疾病的散播。

For me, it’s all about the connection between urban design and improving mental health. We have been working with a specialist, psychologist Dr Audrey Tang, on this for a number of years now. This bond will only become stronger, especially in cities, as we try to stem the pandemic of ill mental health that our species is currently weathering.

—John Goldwyn CMLI, 高级副总裁兼规划及景观设计总监

—John Goldwyn CMLI, Senior Vice President and Director of Planning and Landscape

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In urban residential, the conversation has shifted from space saving to flexibility and indoor-outdoor flow – like in these Rainforest Villas



Increased appreciation of space and open spaces, especially at home


Urban apartments are becoming smaller and smaller: kitchenettes, fewer bathrooms, minimal storage, and almost definitely no balcony. As we reevaluate the hours spent at home, and our relationship with space both indoors and out, this narrative is shifting from saving space to making it more flexible. Allowing units to be combined to create larger homes, and bringing back the balcony and storage room, will be in.


Outside, we’re seeing similar trends. We have seen just how important open spaces are, especially when people do not want to venture too far or are not permitted from doing so. Singapore does a great job at this where parks and open spaces are at every level/hierarchy, including individual communities.


Neither of these trends are particularly new, but I do believe they will lead to:



A shift in the idea of a ‘home’ in a city, irrespective of the demographic/family type



Even more importance placed on open spaces and their treatment within cities.

—Sindhuja Mahapatra, 协同人兼项目规划师

—Sindhuja Mahapatra, Associate and Project Planner

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A concept for a square in London, UK



Flexibility and the many faces of outdoor space


Daycations and other flexible outdoor experiences are becoming increasingly popular. Opening an apartment or hotel’s facilities and pools, water play and private beaches to the public (and thus, of course, creating new revenue streams) will continue to be big in 2022. In Asia Pacific, this trend is booming – especially among couples and families who would rather escape for a day instead of packing up and spending the night.


Our new reliance on the outdoors and desire to escape will also have an impact on how urban public spaces are used. As people come to appreciate the mental and physical health benefits of being outdoors more and more, picnicking and dining in parks will likely continue. And, if Singapore is anything to go by, the uptick in people will also see an uptick in hospitality businesses around the perimeters of green or public space.

—Natalie Shea Faber,高级协同人、高级项目规划师、景观设计师

—Natalie Shea Faber, Senior Associate, Senior Planner and Landscape Architect

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CasiCielo旨在通过在巴拿马的Bocas del Toro半岛建立一个新的 “有意识的社区”,以推动孵化全球企业家、创造力和变革。

CasiCielo sets out to catalyze global entrepreneurship, creativity and change with a new “conscious community” and authentic sense of place on Panama’s Bocas del Toro peninsula



A move to more innovative movement


People’s retreat from public transport (and, indeed, public life, at times) saw a rise in cycling and alternative transport means in 2020 and 2021, and I suspect that will only continue to gain momentum. What that means: designing for people and the planet, not cars! Innovative transportation and alternative solutions will be essential to future-proofed cities, and there will also be a greater push towards green space planning and design for improved mental health and general wellbeing.

—Marcel Padmos, 助理副总裁兼高级规划师

—Marcel Padmos, Associate Vice President and Senior Planner

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Bei Da Hu Support Town in China’s Jilin Province



Local experiences, eco townships, and a new kind of public transport


I see three major trends ahead – none of which are new, but all have gained significant momentum since the global shutdown in 2020. First, is the continued focus on domestic tourism and second home ownership as people seek new local experiences and destinations. Second, is more emphasis on eco and sustainable practices and places when it comes to new townships and urban areas – especially in Southeast Asia. Third, we’ll see increased importance placed on effective public transit systems: more inclusive and resilient and designed to meet the needs of their passengers.

—Thi Thu Huyen Pham, 高级规划师

—Thi Thu Huyen Pham, Senior Planner

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涩谷在进行车站中心地区大规模开发的同时,其周边地区也发生了巨大的变化。涩谷PARCO的PART1和PART3(以下称为“原涩谷PARCO”)一带在历经3年施工后,2019年11月作为“涩谷 PARCO・Hulic大厦(以下称为‘新涩谷PARCO’)”重新开业;还有2020年7月涩谷区立宫下公园(以下称为“原宫下公园”)作为集商业设施和酒店于一体的综合设施“MIYASHITA PARK”焕发新生。
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