阅读:4891 2022-03-25


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Construction work has started on the conversion and extension of the corporate headquarters of Deichmann SE, Europe’s largest shoe retailer. Over the next few years, the administrative head office of the family-owned company in Essen will be extended to create a modern campus to plans by gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects.

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总平面图 © gmp Architects

自海因里希·戴希曼(Heinrich Deichmann)在100多年前创立公司以来,埃森一直是戴希曼公司总部所在地。针对项目基地的开发,gmp制定了一份分期建设的长远性整体方案。通过该方案,现有建筑和新建建筑相得益彰,共同组成园区主体。随着时间的推移,统一的立面设计和内部路网优化有助于办公地点融合成和谐的整体。办公地点的园区理念从外清晰可辨,从内可得到切实的体验。整合了现有植物的公园在未来将与附近的绿地相连,既对戴希曼员工也对周边居民开放。

Deichmann was founded in Essen by Heinrich Deichmann over 100 years ago, and the company headquarters is still located here. For the development of the site, gmp has produced a comprehensive long-term concept with several construction phases that involve the existing as well as the new buildings to form a coherent new campus. With a uniform facade design and optimized internal communication paths, the site will grow together over the years, and the campus concept will be apparent from the outside and be experienced on the inside. In the future, a public park that integrates the existing trees on the site will connect the nearby open green areas for the benefit of both Deichmann’s employees and the inhabitants of the neighborhood.

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The first building phase consists of a five-story atrium building that – with its new entrance - will become the prestigious address of the corporate campus. The first floor accommodates the cafeteria, which can be combined with the foyer to form a venue for events. The office areas in the upper floors are designed as open spaces with dedicated “boxes” inserted for special functions. To improve the internal communication network, the current head office will be partially converted and linked with the atrium building in the first building phase.

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As part of an overall ecological concept the design emphasizes the use of resource-efficient durable materials, and all roofs will be flat roofs with extensive greening. In addition, the design involves renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy and photovoltaics. The completion of the first building phase has been scheduled for the autumn of 2024.


— 克里斯蒂安·霍夫曼,gmp合伙人

“For the development of the company headquarters into a corporate campus, gmp has developed a holistic vision for the next decades. The compact layout of the campus optimizes the use of the existing and planned buildings, ensuring improved communication and that the facility will be fit for the future. In addition, a central park is created that links the green areas to the north-west and south-east of the Deichmann site, resulting in a special recreational area for the benefit of not only the members of staff of Deichmann SE, but also the general public.” 

– Christian Hoffmann, Partner at gmp




设计团队:Dennis Barg, Hannah Boekhorst, Stefan Both, Julia Charlotte Brall, Alexander Bürger, Anna-Lena Däubner, Clemens Dost, Juri Fastenau, Johanna Heyden, Matthias Jähde, Christian Kleiner, Julian Lensing, Riccardo Pavan, Julia Vivien Rößer

景观设计:Freiraumplanung GmbH

机电/暖通/节能顾问:Pfeil & Koch Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG

结构设计/消防/声学顾问:Kempen Krause GmbH

照明设计:Conceptlicht GmbH

交通顾问:VSU GmbH

幕墙顾问:AMP Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

业主: 希曼欧洲股份公司

Competition 2019–1st Prize

Design Volkwin Marg with Christian Hoffmann

Project Lead Jutta Hartmann-Pohl

Team Dennis Barg, Hannah Boekhorst, Stefan Both, Julia Charlotte Brall, Alexander Bürger, Anna-Lena Däubner, Clemens Dost, Juri Fastenau, Johanna Heyden, Matthias Jähde, Christian Kleiner, Julian Lensing, Riccardo Pavan, Julia Vivien Rößer

Landscape Architecture Arbos Freiraumplanung GmbH

MEP / Thermal Insulation / Energy Concept Pfeil & Koch Ingenieurgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG

Structural Engineering / Fire Protection / Sound Insulation Kempen Krause GmbH

Lighting Design Conceptlicht GmbH

Traffic Planning VSU GmbH

Facade Design AMP Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Client Deichmann SE

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