三亚雅居乐清水湾游艇码头 | 恩蒂埃集团
阅读:3507 2022-03-28


项目名称 | 三亚雅居乐清水湾游艇码头

Project | Sanya Agile Clearwater Bay Marina

重要性 | 亚洲最大的游艇社区之一

Importance | One of the largest yachting communities in Asia

项目目标 | 打造一个综合性滨海目的地和度假胜地

Project Aim | Create an integrated Ocean Front Destination & Vacation Home 

欢迎来到我们 11 for 22 系列中的第二个项目,也是塑造了NDA今天的独特基因的项目——三亚雅居乐清水湾游艇码头项目,它拥有 780 个泊位,是亚洲最大的游艇社区之一。

Welcome to the second of our 11 for 22 series where we examine the milestone projects that have shaped NDA to be who we are today. The Sanya Agile Clearwater Marina Bay is no exception, with 780 berths it is amongst the largest yachting communities in all of Asia.


Opened in 2014 the marina is the jewel in the crown for Clearwater Bay and has succeeded in catalysing Sanya’s growth as a high-end tourist haven with physical development on the island, as well as a glamourous showcase of the international yachting life that can be achieved in China.


Now, with its central location, Clearwater Bay with the NDA designed marina at its heart is expected to be the main choice for yachts to dock at as they traverse the golden route between Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.





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We took a spartan strip of beachfront land with the vision of turning it into a fully integrated international yachting marina destination, with hotels, bars, restaurants and promenades for marine lovers to indulge in yachting lifestyle. 

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Thus, we designed from the ground level up: including a sea wall to protect the harbour and plotting the exact routes and turning circles that yachts would need to safely dock.


Vision Realised

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Clearwater Bay has become an international success with tourist numbers in the hundreds of thousands annually, and Sanya Agile Clearwater Bay Marina sits at the centre of this heady progress. 

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码头的 780 个泊位可容纳长度从 10m 一直到 80m 的游艇。环球旅行的超级游艇能够在此停靠,也为码头的魅力增添光彩。 

The marina’s 780 berths accommodate yachts from 10m in length all the way up to 80m, inviting globe-trotting superyachts to add to the aspirational glamour of the marina with their unmissable presence. 

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