四川巴中BAR ∞室内设计 | APLUS LAB
阅读:1760 2022-03-30

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∞ 是什么? 


What is ∞ ?

This may be the first reaction people get. During ancient Greece, Aristotle came up with the concept of infinity . Later, after many years of modernizing, it was until Mobius where he came up with the “Mobius Ring”, a man walking on the surface of the Mobius ring and never stopping, where the start and end point were always connected.

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 BAR ∞ LOGO/ Image by A+ LAB

我们想借用此概念表达BAR ∞的理念:MORE IN ONE - 更多的可能性。这个可能性是没有尽头的。我们会持续更新新鲜事物及想法。在这里你不只是了解到更多的酒,还有更多未知的事物。

In BAR ∞, we got inspired by this and implemented into the concept. The expression of “MORE IN ONE – INFINITE POSSIBILITIES”. In here, we will keep providing new fresh things and ideas, so you will not just learn just about wine, but other spectacular things.



The design and brand concepts are related to time, because all the things we spend with friends is time. No matter if is drinking or other engagement, different relations occur over time. Over here we want to present the state of time from the most natural and primitive to the more modern state of the present or the future.

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CONCEPT/ Image by A+ LAB


The experience process starts from the first-floor entrance’s curved mirrored stainless steel to the sinking area to the stairwell and finally to the second floor. What we experience is the sense of going back to time, it also represents the transformation and renewal of styles and scenes.

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CONCEPT/ Image by A+ LAB

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DIAGRAM/ Image by A+ LAB


The first floor is divided into outdoor space/indoor area/indoor sinking area/ bar area/operating area/toilet. All public spaces are faced to the front, and service spaces are put at the back. This creates a more openness on the space, while formulating a corridor leading people through the stairwell to the second floor. 

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L1/ Image by A+ LAB

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L2/ Image by A+ LAB


The second floor consists of three private spaces, a service desk and a small balcony. The last private space seems to be inserted into the second floor, because there is still a small part at the balcony. As the wall paintings leading throughout the corridor space, it symbolises as if the outside branches grow into the interior.

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SECTION/ Image by A+ LAB

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BAR ∞ /Image by 余伟 ©

MORE IN ONE - 更多的可能性!

项目名称:四川巴中BAR 室内设计

建筑面积:80 ㎡


设计:A+ LAB

团队:杨毅/ 段博伦/ 陈家鑫/ 孟阳/ 杨洋

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