北京FlySolo儿童康复诊所 | UNStudioArchitecture
阅读:3661 2022-08-06


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"Inclusivity is at the very heart of building stronger communities. Proximity to quality healthcare facilities helps to ensure that all individuals are cared for. Empowering each child to not only fully participate in society, but also to have full opportunities in society is where the story of FlySolo intertwines with the story of social progress."

UNStudio为FlySolo位于北京CBD核心地带的儿童康复诊所打造的建筑外立面和室内设计项目现已竣工并交付使用。受FlySolo为儿童赋能使其融入社会生活使命的启发,以及作为UNStudio 多维度回馈社会的一部分,UNStudio和FlySolo联手打造位于北京的专业儿童康复医疗中心,为中国康复诊所提供创新的设计思路,重塑儿童和家长的康复医疗体验。

UNStudio has completed the facade and interior of a new FlySolo Rehabilitation Medical Centre in Beijing. Inspired by FlySolo’s mission to empower children of all abilities to take an active rolein society, and as part of UNStudio’s diverse efforts to give back to the community, UNStudio worked with FlySolo to create the design for a dedicated pediatric medical centre in Beijing; a unique approach to rehabilitation in China and one that reimagines the healthcare experience from the perspective of both children and their parents.

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© All photos by Wen Studio

FlySolo 创立于 2016 年,致力于成为国际领先的儿童康复诊所,与美国哈佛大学附属波士顿儿童医院和台湾的顶级医学专家建立全面康复技术合作。

Founded in 2016, FlySolo aims to be a world leader in pediatric rehabilitation and has forged partnerships with Harvard Medical School’s primary pediatric teaching hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, and premier rehabilitation medicine experts from the United States and Taiwan.

FlySolo 儿童康复诊所为 0-13 岁儿童及青少年提供系统、科学、精准的早期干预服务。通过对儿童相关疾病的早期预防、筛查、诊断,并针对其特殊需求提供专业的能力评估、康复治疗、家庭指导及过渡支持,利用多学科优势整合康复医疗服务。在儿童成长和家庭调适的重要时期提供全面的医疗支持,激发儿童潜能,促进语言、言语、认知、运动、感觉统合、情绪管理与社交能力发展。

The FlySolo Rehabilitation Medical Centre will provide children between the ages of 0-13 with comprehensive rehabilitation services, treating speech, language, cognitive, motor, sensory, social and emotional developmental disorders. 

坐落于北京CBD中心区的FlySolo,作为临床转化医学研究中心,以循证医学为基础,长期致力于通过科学创新推动康复医学的发展,从而不断突破康复效果的极限。FlySolo 率先引用国际领先诊疗技术,并持续将国际前沿的科研成果转化为精准有效的康复治疗方案,为患儿及其家庭提供一站式、高品质的康复医疗服务。

Located near the heart of Beijing’s CBD, FlySolo seeks to empower the extraordinary and support children of all abilities through the dedicated and passionate care of clinicians, partners and parents. As a clinical and translational research centre, FlySolo provides patients the best opportunity for recovery by integrating clinical practice with the latest advances in innovative technologies and research. FlySolo’s focus on pushing the boundaries of rehabilitation medicine through scientific breakthroughs will contribute to the standards of care in the community and beyond.

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Axon diagram 

该项目总面积约550 平米。UNStudio充分理解儿童康复机构对于功能空间的特殊要求,以全面提升患儿综合能力为核心需求,优化室内设计空间的布局,并根据不同学科的治疗需要融入针对性治疗设施,从而促进康复目标尽快实现。将儿童康复诊所灵活划分为物理治疗室、语言治疗室、感统治疗室、日常生活技能治疗室和远程会诊中心等。

The 550 square metrespace is home to flexible physical, occupational and speech therapy rooms, as well as shared doctors’ and consultation offices.

UNStudio 一直以来坚持以人为本的设计理念,旨在为人类创建安全安心的可持续空间环境,从而满足多元化的社会需求。将可升降滑索、攀爬墙、高安全性悬挂类设施及大型平衡类设施针对性规划至感觉统合治疗空间,以结构化的方式提供触觉、视觉、本体觉和前庭觉相关的感觉输入,便于开展多种治疗性活动。促进儿童整理及组织成有意义的感觉信息,提高感官知觉能力、自我调节能力、运动技能。

The design considers the human experience in rehabilitation medicine to help patients gain access to a diverse range of innovative therapies. Functional therapy rooms such as the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Therapy Suite and Virtual Care Centre are structured to accelerate the attainment of functional outcomes for each patient.

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In order to promote positive mental health, the interior incorporates a soothing palette of colours and sweeping gestures, inspired by nature and favorite children’s book illustrations. Whilst visiting the Centre, children can use their imaginations to enter vast landscapes and skylines.

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Both the interior design concept and the circulation revolve around sustainability and flexibility. Most materials used in the interior of the FlySolo Rehabilitation Medical Centre are LEED certified building materials. A warm and humanizing rehabilitation experience is fostered with a strong focus on the individual patientand family journey from diagnosis to treatment.

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UNStudio 联合FlySolo医疗专家团队、家长委员会深度讨论灵活的空间规划对于开展不同康复治疗活动的重要性。我们充分考虑各种治疗形式的个性化需求,在功能空间设计上加入移动墙并利用中心原有设施或场地开拓多功能使用场景。

Flexible functionality was a central feature of the design, as the Centre needs to accommodate groups and individuals, and varying services. To achieve this, UNStudio, alongside FlySolo’s doctors, therapists, and family advisory committee, considered numerous possible layouts based on maximizing the required uses of the overall space, with the aim of striking a balance between the physical, the psychological and the social.

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Curved walls with corridors wide enough to double as therapy spaces enable intuitive frictionless movement to ease navigation, especially for those with functional impairments or using wheelchairs. 

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Furthermore, due to the incorporation of flexible partition walls, the room layouts can be adjusted over time and customised for the changing needs of the Centre in the future.

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The needs of the child patient are central to the design for the FlySolo Rehabilitation Medical Centre. At times, visiting medical facilities may cause a degree of anxiety in children, which may be exacerbated if waiting is not aided by positive distraction. For this reason the design of the Centre incorporates the child’s need to play, explore, move and discover. 

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In the waiting areas outside of the treatment rooms, mini slides and interactive seating are incorporated in order to engage and energize. Small nooks are also provided for children to play in and to provide privacy for waiting parents and families.

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* 波浪形墙面示意图

Wave shape- Wall diagram


Overall, a keen focus is placed on materials, space, scale, light, and circulation, while soft, bright and natural colours work to add another layer of engagement. The wave-like wall graphics shift between three colour palettes that correlate to the functions within the therapy rooms. As such, colour is used throughout to aid in wayfinding and inspiration.

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A further possible cause of discomfort for the child patient and their parents can be the separation experienced whilst therapy sessions are taking place. For this reason, wave-shaped windows that mimic the undulating wall graphics are inserted at a certain height in the walls of the therapy rooms to ensure that while the parents can seein, the child does not feel overly observed.

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FlySolo’s identity as a place for uplifting children is reflected in the sweeping facade. The wave-like graphics of the interior are mirrored in the curves of the facade that frame the entrance. Here, a pearl white aluminum frame composed of intricately fabricated curved panels conveys an inspiring message of new possibility to families embarking on an emotionally challenging journey, and a welcoming gesture to the children.

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随着新冠病毒疫情的蔓延,全球物流和供应链面临前所未有的挑战,FlySolo 儿童康复诊所的设计施工就是在严峻的疫情形势下艰难但有序进行的。我们通过远程线上监测来实现对造型铝板的品控管理,对于现场施工人员严格按照防疫要求实施管控,履行常态化核酸检测等多项举措,最终确保了项目如期完工并实现零伤害、零感染的记录。

Design and construction of the FlySolo Rehabilitation Medical Centre was completed during the COVID-19 pandemic despite global travel and supply chain obstacles. The implementation of digital solutions and stringent construction management guidelines including use of protective equipment, occupational safety trainings, frequent disinfecting and daily COVID-19 testing enabled continuity of work with zero injuries or infections in spite of unprecedented challenges.

项目信息 Project Information: 

UNStudio 团队:Ben van Berkel, Hannes Pfau, Garett Hwang with Tony Hu, Cheng Tan, Joy Li

建筑施工 Construction Management: 中国建筑技术集团有限公司 China Academy of Building Research

幕墙顾问 Consultants:上海熙玛工程顾问有限公司 Shanghai CIMA Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd.

施工总承包单位 Contractors:邦泰建设工程有限公司, inDeco领筑智造, 直尚建筑装饰工程有限公司 Bang Tai Construction Co. Ltd., InDeco, Zhi Shang Construction Co. Ltd.

客户 Client: FlySolo

项目面积 Gross Area: 550 m2

项目功能 Programme: 医疗 Healthcare

项目状态 Status: 已建成  Built 

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