成都Pairedd配德餐厅 | PRONOUNCED DESIGN诰丰建筑设计
阅读:2787 2022-11-22

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成都的多元融合培养了包容性极强的的美食饕客,也吸引了国内最具先锋精神的餐饮品牌入蜀。今年,凭借Wine Universe宇宙酒馆在上海一鸣惊人的By Little Somms 集团将旗下最具实验精神的新餐厅——Pairedd配德——带入了成都,邀请勇于尝试的成都食客一起加入最前端的餐酒搭配觉试验场。

Chengdu's diverse culinary culture has fostered a highly inclusive foodie scene and attracted some of China’s most pioneering restaurant brands. This year, By Little Somms Group, which recently made a splash in Shanghai’s bistro landscape with Wine Universe, has brought its newest experimental restaurant, Pairedd, to Chengdu. Adventurous diners are invited to join the city’s cutting-edge testing grounds of the latest wine and food pairings.

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仅有12席位的Pairedd配德是成都新晋的wine pairing创意餐厅,品牌CEO拥有专业的侍酒师背景,希望联手主厨和侍酒师为食客致力寻来“酒与肴”之间的绝配姻缘。食与饮,视与听,在几小时中把你带上一程超乎于舌尖的感官之旅。

Limited to only 12 seats, Pairedd is Chengdu’s newest restaurant experimenting with creative wine and food pairings. With a professional background as a sommelier, the restaurant’s CEO plans to unite chefs and sommeliers in finding the perfect match between wine and food. For a few hours, diners will be taken on a culinary journey that delights the senses.

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Located on the terrace of the shopping mall, the restaurant evokes the feeling of entering a theater with warm light strips outlining a tunnel entrance. The compact corridor provides a few seconds of suspense before dramatically opening into the dining area.

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主体空间内,12个座位围绕着开放厨房,包裹室内主体的金属饰面充满质感而不过分张扬,为这家餐厅新秀带来时髦先锋的感官体验。Pronounced Design诰丰建筑以“天金”“地银”作为材质对比理念,桌台使用乱纹不锈钢的大平面板,环形灯光带照耀出台面的银色微光,不锈钢的纯粹也更提炼出食器和菜品的温度;天花以金箔为饰,为舞台感的主厨台打造出清晰层次,提亮温暖了整体空间的视觉。周围空间大面积以深深浅浅的“灰”镀色,色调保持中性,可让主厨的手艺、食材的本色成为用餐体验中的主角,而丰富的纹理使得整体层次多变不寡淡。

The dining area features 12 seats that surround the open kitchen. The polished metal finish wrapping the main body of the restaurant is subtly textured, providing a chic and modern look. Made from large flat panels of stainless steel, the table tops are illuminated from above by circular lights, exuding a satin silver shimmer. The purity of the stainless steel elevates everything from the utensils to the dish ware, while the gold ceiling brightens and warms the overall space. Plated with a gray neutral tone,  the main area allows the chef’s craftsmanship and the natural color of the ingredients to become the protagonists of the dining experience.

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年轻的主厨将世界各地的饮食文化带回成都与食客分享实验的惊喜,fine dining也不再是厨师单方面的炫技,为了满足了主厨 ToTo希望与食客面对面亲近交流的想法,Pronounced Design诰丰建筑调整了厨房内和坐位区的层差,180mm的高度差让站立工作的主厨和落座的体验者达成视线的平等,平衡两者的话语权。尺度的拿捏细致、空间的内敛均衡,让人的体验和酒肴本身回归空间本源。Pairedd配德不仅是一场难忘的味觉旅行,也是烟火和微醺中的写意清欢。

In order to satisfy Chef ToTo's desire for intimate dialogs between chefs and diners, Pronounced Design deliberately set the height difference between the kitchen and the seating area to 180mm, so that the standing chef and seated guests would be at equal eye level. Pairedd is not only an unforgettable journey of the palate, but also a refreshing dining experience that seeks to strengthen the bond between the chef and his guests.

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项目地点:  中国,成都


主创/ 设计:  林天皓

项目团队:王思雨, 刘琪琪


Location: ChengDu, China

Area: 100 sqm

Lead Architect: Andy Lin

Design Team: CiCi Wang,  KiKi Lu

Photography: He Tizi

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