慕尼黑大学地质与环境学院 | 盖博建筑设计
阅读:1237 2024-12-21


The School of Geo- and Environmental Sciences at LMU is nestled on the southern side of Munich's main train station, occupying a recently renovated space within a historic block. The architectural design employs a U-shaped layout to bridge the gaps between adjacent buildings, creating a "recess" volume that opens up the block's boundaries. This innovative approach results in an open-air exhibition hall that promotes openness and fosters social interaction, while also underscoring the unique identity of the School . Inside, the building adeptly balances public and professional needs with a sophisticated layout, and places a strong emphasis on sustainability, ensuring that the institution's future growth is supported by state-of-the-art energy systems and adaptable space planning.


慕尼黑大学地质与环境学院 - 效果图

©Gerber Architekten



Opening up the building to the city



The School of Geo- and Environmental Sciences at LMU is dedicated to interdisciplinary research and teaching, with Earth sciences at its heart. In 2017, confronted with the challenges of limited space and outdated facilities, the Munich Building Authority initiated a design competition for a new building. The goal was to craft a structure that would not only redefine the college's image but also serve as a "showcase of science". The new building was to house the prestigious Bavarian Paleontological and Geological Collection and the Bavarian Mineralogical Collection, thereby forging a tangible link between scientific research and its public display.

Gerber Architekten won the second prize in this competition with its innovative "recess" form design, and was ultimately got the commission for the entire project, thanks to its core concept that championed openness, fostered social interaction, and enhanced urban public life.

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慕尼黑大学地质与环境学院 - 竞赛模型

©Gerber Architekten

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埃克哈德·盖博 Echard Gerber






"The 'recess' opens up the building to the city, creating a new public space. The director of the institute wanted a building that opens itself up to the public life on the street and expresses this in its design, rather than being hermetically sealed off. That was the deciding factor that led to us being commissioned. " 

新建的学院大楼位于慕尼黑火车站的南侧片区,邻近当地知名的特蕾莎草坪(Theresienwiese,慕尼黑啤酒节的举办地)和森德灵门(Sendlinger Tor,慕尼黑历史遗迹)。其原址曾是一座20世纪70年代的研究所大楼,后因年久失修而被拆除,在周围建筑之间留下了巨大的缝隙。


The newly constructed faculty buildingis strategically located on the south side of Munich Railway Station, near the renowned Theresienwiese, home to the Munich Oktoberfest, and the historic Sendlinger Tor. The site, once occupied by a 1970s research institute building that succumbed to disrepair, left a significant void among the surrounding structures.

Thus, the building's design embraces the urban block concept with an intricate U-shaped volume. It seamlessly connects the existing north residential building with the south research building, effectively bridging the gaps within the block and blending harmoniously with the surrounding environment. The distinctive 'concave' shape of the building extends beyond traditional boundaries, breaking away from the enclosed grid layout. This innovative approach creates an open exhibition hall, providing the institution with enhanced opportunities for interaction and communication with the city.

慕尼黑大学地质与环境学院改造对比 - 效果图

©Gerber Architekten

而在建筑形象上,北侧相连的老建筑大部分为简单的单元式坡屋顶构造,南侧相连的原皇家解剖学院主楼(20世纪初由Max Littmann设计)则保留了一部分钢筋混凝土结构。新建筑巧妙地融合了这两种原有的建筑元素,以一种新的形式回应场地的历史。


In terms of architectural imagery, the majority of the older buildings to the north exhibit a simple unit-style with sloping roofs, while the main building of the former Royal Academy of Anatomy—designed by Max Littmann in the early 20th century and connected to the south—preserves some of its original reinforced concrete structures. The new building adeptly weaves together these two distinct architectural elements, fostering a new dialogue about the site's history.

The façade and sloping roof of the building are crafted from light-colored natural stone, which, through the horizontal arrangement of slabs of varying widths, creates a unique texture reminiscent of geological strata. This design not only underscores the professional identity of the School but also harmoniously integrates with the surrounding urban fabric and environment.



Designing for public and professional needs




The newly faculty building not only forges a north-south link but also facilitates east-west circulation, enhancing the connectivity of the block.

The iconic "recess" main entrance, situated on Schillerstrasse to the east, features a substantial glass structure that subtly merges the boundaries between the building's interior and the exterior. This design fosters a harmonious interaction with the street space and creates a spacious, light-filled front hall. It brings the daily life of the college into sharper focus, making it more vivid and accessible.

In the future, this hall is poised to become the central public event space, hosting a variety of interdisciplinary events and showcasing the school's rich geological collections and achievements across various fields.

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©Gerber Architekten

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©Gerber Architekten



The secondary entrance of the building opens onto an internal courtyard and is connected to Goethestrasse on the west side. Visitors can access the underground studio area directly via a landscaped alley and a sunken courtyard, offering a unique approach to the building's interior.

This design effectively bridges the east and west sides of the building, creating a dialogue between the new and old, as well as the inside and outside. Open coffee shops serve as the nexus of this connection. The outdoor coffee areas, situated in the inner courtyard and the front square, offer not only a respite for local residents but also encourage passersby to traverse the coffee shops, exploring the interior of the block and the buildings beyond.

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©Gerber Architekten



Inside the building, the design thoughtfully allocates space to meet the functional needs of diverse user groups. The first floor is dedicated to public spaces, including an exhibition hall, workshop, and library. The underground space is primarily allocated for material transportation, changing rooms, storage, and other auxiliary functions, featuring a spacious open-layout structure.

The upper levels of the building are designated for experimental research areas and office spaces, characterized by a highly flexible spatial configuration. These experimental and office areas are intentionally integrated with public spaces and external landscapes. The experimental area overlooks the internal hall, while the office area enjoys views of the external courtyard, designed to foster a bright and naturally lit working environment.

Furthermore, open tea break areas are strategically placed between different laboratories to foster informal knowledge exchange and encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration.

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©Gerber Architekten

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©Gerber Architekten



值得一提的是,新建筑中还将包括一个13米高的火山爆发实验室(Boom Lab),专门用于模拟火山喷发的实验,这无疑将成为该建筑的一大亮点。

The design of the experimental research area exemplifies high flexibility, capable of being reconfigured to meet a variety of needs. It can be merged into a single, large space to accommodate large-scale institutional requirements or partitioned into smaller spaces of varying sizes to serve multiple research groups efficiently.

Additionally, the design takes into account the challenges of noise and exhaust emissions associated with experiments, as well as the specific needs of certain specialized laboratories, such as those for mass spectrometry analysis. To ensure optimal laboratory utilization and swift adaptation to changing usage demands, the equipment rooms are strategically placed in a separate side area. The layout and configuration of technical elements, including operating doors and exhaust pipelines, are optimized to provide a sustainable technical solution for the laboratory area.

It's noteworthy that the new building will feature a 13-meter-high Boom Lab, specifically designed for simulating volcanic eruptions. This unique facility is expected to be a standout attraction within the building.



Creating a Sustainable Research Building



The new building seamlessly integrates into the urban fabric of Munich's city center through ingenious design, while also reflecting the college's and Gabor Architecture's steadfast commitment to sustainability through meticulous planning of technical facilities.

For heating, the building employs low-energy remote heating technology by interfacing with the city's heating network, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of the system. Regarding cooling, a hybrid cooler has been installed on the roof, which maximizes the utilization of natural cooling resources and effectively minimizes indoor noise levels.

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©Gerber Architekten



The technology center is strategically positioned on the fourth floor and in the basement, reducing the installation distance for technological supplies, particularly for ventilation systems. A meticulously designed vertical shaft system allows the technology center to be directly linked to critical usage areas like laboratories, ensuring efficient supply and flexibility for future modifications.

This streamlined design of technological systems prioritizes overall efficiency while balancing comfort and flexibility, resulting in a user-friendly and sustainable building. This design philosophy not only elevates the building's performance but also serves as a sustainable blueprint for the study of future architectural development.

项目信息Project Data









Faculty building of Earth- and Environmental Sciences LMU

Client: Free State of Bavaria

Service Scope: Architecture

Competition: 2018 (2nd Prize)

Design: 2018-2024

Construction: 2024-2029 (Expected)

GFA: 37,254 sqm

Site Area: 16,391 sqm

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