ARTFX 里尔校区项目 | 法国VP建筑设计
阅读:2835 2023-10-19

In a groundbreaking event, the ARTFX Campus in Lille was inaugurated, marking a significant milestone for the world of digital arts and cinema. ARTFX, renowned for its excellence in special effects and game design, continues to uphold its prestigious position, having been honored for the fourth consecutive year in 2022.

法国VP创始人 Denis Valode 先生很荣幸作为设计单位受邀参与了本次盛会。

Mr. Denis Valode, the co-founder of Valode & Pistre Architects, is honored to have been invited as the design firm to participate in this grand event.

作为国际知名的数字艺术和电影行业学府,ARTFX位于法国里尔都会区专注于影像和创意产业的圣地——“Plaine Images”。

As an internationally renowned institution in the digital arts and film industry, ARTFX is situated in the Lille Metropolitan Area of France, dedicated to the world of imagery and the creative industry hub known as 'Plaine Images'.


The architectural structure integrates two main elements: the school section and the accommodation section for school students. Bringing these two components together on the same site provides an ideal work and living environment for students, allowing them to access the school's state-of-the-art facilities at any time, while also enhancing the unity of the campus.


The distinctive exterior metal cladding, along with large glass windows, resonates with the industrial history of the area and seamlessly blends with the overall image and character of ARTFX.


The state-of-the-art campus not only houses ARTFX School but also integrates a dedicated Film School, designed to nurture emerging talents pivotal in crafting future narratives and visuals. An impressive feature of the project is the inclusion of "ART-CAMPUS".

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