Tripolis公园 | MVRDV
阅读:4270 2020-02-15

近日,MVRDV公布了翻新和扩建阿姆斯特丹Tripolis办公综合体的设计方案,该建筑曾是荷兰著名建筑师Aldo van Eyck生前完成的最后一个作品。这个名为“Tripolis公园”的项目将改造旧建筑、新建一

个公园和一座办公大楼。其中,新的办公大楼将成为保护综合体免受附近高速公路噪音干扰的屏障,同时拥抱后方Aldo van Eyck的设计。旧建筑的翻新工作将于下周开始,预计于2022年完工。

Today, MVRDV is revealing its design for an office building that will renovate and enlarge one of the last projects completed by celebrated Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck, the Tripolis office complex in Amsterdam. Named Tripolis Park, the project comprises the renovation of the old buildings, a new park, and a new office block that will create a sheltering screen to protect the complex from noise created by the adjacent highway while embracing the Van Eyck-designed buildings behind. Renovation work on the existing buildings will begin next week, with the project scheduled for completion in 2022.


图/Image: © Proloog
The key addition to Tripolis Park is an 11-storey “groundscraper” office block that is indented where it meets the existing buildings

1994年竣工的Tripolis综合体坐落在Aldo van Eyck完成于1960年的杰作——阿姆斯特丹儿童福利院的南面。Tripolis综合体的三座建筑都有沿中央楼梯井向外辐射的办公空间集群,并以木材与花岗岩组成的独特立面以及色彩丰富的窗框而闻名。然而,Aldo van Eyck设计的办公空间从未获得商业上的成功,这些办公建筑的空置率一直很高。2019年,Tripolis综合体被列为“城市历史建筑”,纪念包含儿童福利院在内这一区域的历史。

Completed in 1994, the Tripolis complex sits directly to the south of Van Eyck’s 1960 masterwork, the Amsterdam Orphanage. The three buildings each have clusters of offices radiating from central stair towers, and are notable for their characteristic wood-and-granite façades with colourful window frames. However, Van Eyck’s office design never proved commercially successful and the buildings have struggled with low occupancy. The project was granted Municipal Monument status in 2019, enshrining its status as part of a larger ensemble including the orphanage.

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图/Image: © Mir
新建筑在与旧建筑的交汇处呈穴状凹陷,使其网格结构与Aldo van Eyck办公楼复杂的几何形状相适应
The new office block is indented where it meets the existing buildings, adapting its grid structure to the complex geometry of Van Eyck’s offices

MVRDV的方案将为Tripolis的办公环境注入它急需的商业活力,同时尊重和赞美Aldo van Eyck独特的设计品质。扩建的重点项目是一个11层、31,500平方米的“穴状”办公大楼,它的形状与场地南部边界的形状一致。该办公大楼作为一个隔音屏障,保护综合体和未来的住宅开发项目不受邻近A10高速公路噪音的影响。新建筑在与旧建筑的交汇处呈穴状凹陷,使其网格结构与Aldo van Eyck办公楼复杂的几何形状相适应。

MVRDV’s design will bring much-needed commercial viability to the Tripolis offices while respecting and celebrating the unique qualities of Van Eyck’s design. The key addition is a new 11-storey, 31,500-square-metre “groundscraper” office block which follows the shape of the site’s southern boundary, acting as a sound screen to protect the complex and future housing developments from the noise of the adjacent A10 highway. This block is indented where it meets the existing buildings, adapting its grid structure to the complex geometry of Van Eyck’s offices.

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图/Image: © Proloog
A high-transparency eight-storey window provides a glimpse of the existing Tripolis buildings from the A10 highway


In the offset between the new and old structures an interior public route is formed. The gaps between the structures are closed by delicate glass walls and slender bridges and stairs to join the complex into a unified whole while ensuring a certain politeness to the existing buildings. The relation between the austere, regimented south façade and the playfully indented north façade is revealed by a high-transparency eight-storey window that provides a glimpse of the existing Tripolis buildings where the indentation punches almost all the way through the new structure.

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图/Image: © MVRDV
In the offset between the new and old structures an interior public route is formed

“入学代尔夫特理工大学建筑系的第一天,我参加了一场座无虚席的演讲,一位老人头上顶着一个塑料袋大声抗议Carel Weeber和当时建筑领域的其他理性主义者。我想,‘啊!我就希望在这样的地方上学’,第二天我把他所有出版的书都复印了一遍。所以,我是Aldo van Eyck 作品的粉丝,我认为我们应该尽可能尊重他的设计。”MVRDV联合创始人Winy Maas说道:“我们设计的新办公大楼,为现有的Tripolis综合体提供了保护和庇护。事实上,我们的设计是在呼应Tripolis,就像让Tripolis为附近的建筑刻下印记。新旧建筑中间的空间被赋予公共维度,并将对路人开放。作为那个时代的梦想家,Aldo van Eyck已经把办公空间视为会议场所。我想通过各种方式促进两座建筑之间的互动来延续这一理念。”

“The first day I entered Bouwkunde at TU Delft, I saw a packed lecture given by an old man, yelling with a plastic bag over his head, protesting against Carel Weeber and the other Rationalists in architecture those days. I thought, ‘Ah! This is the place to be’ and copied all his books the following day. So I am a fan of Aldo van Eyck's oeuvre and I think we should treat his design as respectfully as possible”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “The new building guards and shelters the existing Tripolis complex as it were, thanks to the protective layer we create. We literally echo Tripolis, as if it was imprinting its neighbour. The space between will be given a public dimension and will be accessible to passers-by. As a visionary in his time, Aldo already saw office spaces as meeting places. I want to continue that idea by promoting interaction between the two buildings in various ways.”

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图/Image: © Mir
The gaps between the structures are closed by delicate glass walls to ensure a certain politeness to the existing buildings


Essential renovation will be applied to the old buildings, retaining each block’s central staircase, the natural stone floors and other characteristic elements. Office spaces will be given a high-quality, industrial feel, while the roofs will be greened and activated with roof gardens and spaces for catering.

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图/Image: © MVRDV


Elevation_North Facade

项目改造的另一个主要目标是确保Aldo van Eyck的建筑具有商业盈利能力;这一点已经得到了证明,Uber已经签约成为该大楼的主要租户,它将占据新办公大楼的低层,以及原Tripolis综合体中最大的建筑。位于基地北侧原综合体的第二高建筑,将与扩建部分保持物理上的分离,在开发的后期阶段它将被改造成经济适用的出租公寓。新建的办公大楼、Tripolis综合体中两座被改造为办公空间的建筑以及被改造为住宅的第三座建筑、更新和改造后的景观,共同构成了这个名为“Tripolis公园”的新综合体,同时维系Tripolis综合体和儿童福利院之间的联系。

A key goal of the transformation project was to ensure that Van Eyck’s buildings would become commercially viable; that this has been achieved is demonstrated by the fact that Uber has signed as the building’s main tenant. The company will occupy the lower floors of the new building and the largest building of the original Tripolis complex. The second-tallest building of the complex, to the north of the site, will remain physically separated from the addition, and will be transformed into affordable rental apartments in a later phase of development. Together, the office addition, the renovation of two of the existing Tripolis buildings as offices and residential transformation of the third, and renovations and alterations to the landscape form a new complex named Tripolis Park that maintains the relationship between the Tripolis complex and the Orphanage.

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图/Image: © MVRDV
MVRDV的方案将为Tripolis的办公环境注入它急需的商业活力,同时尊重和赞美Aldo van Eyck独特的设计品质
MVRDV’s design will bring much-needed commercial viability to the Tripolis offices while respecting and celebrating the unique qualities of Van Eyck’s design


The new office building will include a green roof with photovoltaic panels, and targets BREEAM Excellent certification. MVRDV designed the redevelopment of the Tripolis office complex for real estate developer Flow.

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