南京鼓楼医院 | LEMANARC瑞士瑞盟设计
阅读:9824 2020-03-21


The South expansion project of the Drum Tower Hospital is located in the central area of Nanjing. Its base area is 37,900㎡ and its total construction area reaches 230,000㎡. It is a comprehensive hospital extension project integrated with in-patient service, out-patient service, emergency treatment, medical technology and academic exchange. It was designed in 2003 and completed in 2012.

▼建筑外观,exterior view ©夏强


▼医院入口路径,hospital entrance ©夏强

The project design concept comes from the understanding towards the word:”hospital” in Chinese traditional culture. In English, the word ”hospital” comes from Latin with the original meaning of “call for guests”; in Chinese, “hospital” is the compound for medical treatment. The garden is the boundary between the outside world and the family. Entering the garden, you will be separated from the outside anxieties and be relaxed both physically and mentally. Building a hospital into a garden can not only refresh your sense organ but more importantly can alleviate your soul.

▼医院全景,aerial view ©夏强


▼花园轴线,garden axis ©瑞盟设计

This proposal design core is to gardenize the hospital to get ubiquitous gardens. In this project, garden penetrates into every detail of the building. Designers deconstruct the traditional garden into small units, weave into building skin texture, and the facades become the carrier of the garden. The plants inlaid in the facade and all theme courtyards on the ground link into a huge garden system. The whole system is three-dimensional and full, making the hospital the carrier of the garden. Gardens are everywhere and within reach.

▼鼓楼医院北庭院,the north courtyard ©夏强

▼将医院花园化,building a hospital into a garden ©夏强

▼立面夜景,facade night view ©夏强


Hospital is the junction of real world and nether world, the place for the starting and the end of life. Drum Tower Hospital originally was a church hospital established by the missionary in 1892. Designers try to track back to this tradition, and make the hospital like the church, a place for people communicating with god. Therefore, the design pursues simplicity and pure, numbers of yards and sunlight well as well as the cascade and transparent garden facades ensuring the enough natural light.

▼层叠通透的花园立面, the cascade and transparent garden facade ©夏强

▼室内水景,internal water scape ©夏强

▼无处不在的日光井,sunlight well throughout the hospital ©夏强

▼教堂般的住院部内庭,a church-like inner yard ©夏强

▼病房窗景里的南京大学,view to Nanjing University from the hospital room ©夏强

▼北庭院芦苇塘中的静思,meditation in the north courtyard ©夏强


While the milky white frosted glass solves the problem of indoor daylighting, it also makes the sunshine softer. As for the sweltering characteristics in summer in Nanjing, elevation setting lateral ventilation effectively takes the skin heat away, greatly reduces the energy consumption and makes building provide a better service for people.

▼磨砂玻璃带来柔和光线,the frosted glass makes the sunshine softer ©夏强

▼室内立面,internal facade ©夏强

▼花园立面外观,garden facade ©夏强


The modularized design can not only distribute the inner medical functions properly but also can facilitate the adjustment and growth of the hospital in its operation. The batch standard purchase resulted from the modularized design has controlled the final settlement price within 5300RMB/㎡. Therefore, it has become a model hospital in the saving of construction amount.

▼医院内部空间,hospital interior view ©夏强

▼会议中心,conference centre ©夏强

▼走廊,corridor ©夏强

▼病房,patient room ©夏强


Drum Tower Hospital is a medical island in the downtown area as well as a medical garden open to each citizen.

▼中山路看鼓楼医院的花园立面,view from Zhongshan Road to the facade garden ©夏强

▼医院岛,the hospital island ©夏强

▼场地平面图,site plan ©瑞盟设计

▼一层平面图,plan 1F ©瑞盟设计

▼二层平面图,plan 2F ©瑞盟设计

▼三层平面图,plan 3F ©瑞盟设计

▼剖面图,sections ©瑞盟设计

▼细部,details ©瑞盟设计

设计方:Lemanarc SA 瑞盟设计   
项目设计 & 完成年份 2008   
主创及设计团队:Vincent Zhengmao ZHANG张万桑,Daniel Pauli,马戎,Anja Schlemmer,Rolf Demmler, Dirk Weiblen, Bjorn Anderson,Dagma Nicker, 崔晓康, 冒钰  
建筑面积:230,000 m²
2013 英国世界建筑新闻奖 医疗设计项目 优胜奖
2013 World Architecture News WAN Awards
2014 鲁班奖
2014 Lu Ban Awards

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