意大利连锁餐厅 | Area-17建筑与室内设计
阅读:3990 2020-06-20


Dispensa Emilia

Milano Central Station


163 sqm

Milan 米兰

Italy 意大利


这是Area-17建筑与室内设计为Dispensa Emilia设计的第七间店铺。新的门店位于历史悠久的米兰中央车站的侧翼,从这里可以俯瞰整个Piazza Luigi Di Savoia。经过翻新,该区域还增加了仅可从建筑外部进入的高品质速食餐厅。

This is the seventh opening by Area-17 Architecture & Interiors dedicated for Dispensa Emilia. The new prestigious venue is located within the wing side of the historic Central Station of Milan that overlooks Piazza Luigi Di Savoia. This area was recently renovated adding top-quality fast-casual restaurants exclusively accessible from the outside.

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从店面与19世纪车站建筑融合的外立面到双层高度设计,紧凑的垂直布局贯穿了整个设计。同时,tigelleria原始概念的特色元素也被垂直延展,让独特性在设计中得以被充分展现。品牌元素格纹和点缀细木护壁板的装饰墙向上延伸至天花板,Imoon品牌的超大型罩灯又从此处垂吊而下,恰好落于餐桌的正上方。餐厅的露天部分则选用了特制版摩德纳灯,该灯具采用柯尔顿钢铁和法拉利红色调,由Area-17特别设计并由Martinelli Luce独家定制生产。

Compact vertical volumes define the whole project, from its storefront integration with the station's nineteenth-century façade, to the double-height interiors. This distinctive quality is further emphasized through the design by an explicit vertical take on the elements characterizing the tigelleria's original concept. Both the branded trelliswork and the gallery walls decorating the boiseries develop seamlessly up to the high ceilings from where the Imoon's oversized lamp shades flows onto the dining tables. The open air section of the restaurant features Area-17's Modena lamp special edition designed for Dispensa Emilia.

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See more here

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Dispensa Emilia - Arese / 意大利连锁餐厅 阿雷塞店

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Frantzén’s Kitchen 米其林厨师餐厅

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Löwengrube 意大利连锁餐厅

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