枣庄奥德·瑞沂府示范区 | 艾沃景观事务所
阅读:5001 2021-01-10




                                                                  ——John Idema


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As a benchmark of regional real estate, this case has a clear positioning of quality and main customers. After discussion, Party A and Party B decided to take modern simplicity as the main tonality of the landscape style. While reflecting the quality of the sales office, it is also necessary to implant the future life scene of the region.

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Site recognition


The Southern Sales Office building, with modern and simple style, is the permanent existence of our late convenient service. The north side is the main entrance of the north area, which is the exhibition area of the North block. How to connect the north and South blocks to make them more integrated? How to save cost on the basis of giving consideration to the exhibition and reflect the future life scene in the region? Become the focus of our thinking.

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The case is located in Taierzhuang District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, which is the core area of Taierzhuang development in the future. The surrounding transportation, education resources are rich, and the infrastructure is relatively perfect. Different from the conventional single plot, the foundation surface of the central road has been completed when the project is initially obtained. The whole plot is divided into two large plots of North and south by the internal central road. The demonstration area is located in the central area and is also separated by roads. 



Design inspiration

“明净”、“空旷”、“匀质”、“静谧”、“朦胧”, 在这个空间里淋漓尽致体现。光与影的变换,明与暗的交接,薄与厚的对比,虚与实的渗透,动与静的结合,是设计师对空间环境的感悟营造,更是直面静与光的交融哲学。

"Bright and clean", "open", "homogeneous", "quiet", "hazy" are fully reflected in this space. The transformation of light and shadow, the transition of light and dark, the contrast of thin and thick, the penetration of virtual and real, and the combination of dynamic and static are the designer's perception of the space environment, and the philosophy of directly facing the blending of static and light.

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Design analysis


Based on the line of people flow, we divide the space with virtual wall, and create vertical changes through the water table to give people rich space experience.




Urban interface


The transformation of light and shadow,the charm of dynamic and static

“光是一种把空间戏剧化的重要元素。” 空间与光的交错和相融,赋予了空间灵动而有生命力的语言。

"Light is an important element in dramatizing space." The interweaving and blending of space and light endows space with vivid and vital language.

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Sales Office


The sales office on the south side completely displays the facade of the building in a completely transparent way. We follow the site conditions and use the simple and modern style of the building. The sales office is surrounded by water platforms on both sides. The water table falls and springs are scattered to enhance the interest of water. The black and white contrast between the building and the waterscape materials is used to contrast the building. The decoration of plastic pine and art sculpture can enrich the light and shadow changes of the sales office, and make the virtual and the real permeate each other.

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As a permanent entrance space, the north gate also shows the existence of future life scenes in the region. A half interior space is taken as the transition to home. The design reflects the overall image of the project with simple and atmospheric modeling.The contrast of deep and shallow materials of the gate wall enhances the suggestiveness of the entrance gate, and the lively waterscape spring at the entrance has a distinct dynamic and static contrast with the gate. Use black and white interspersed paving lines to connect the north and the south, enhance the guidance, and make it more integrated.

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Art life


Outdoor living room


The space is divided by the entrance gate, and the function of future regional life is implanted in the backyard, which is the embodiment of our future art life scene, which is permanently preserved. The combination of high and low water features, including mirror water, water table drop, and grid water waterfall, shows the different forms of water and injects vitality and interest into the future life of the region. The windows at the top of the gallery and the side wall make the wall combine with the real and the light. Among them, light and shadow mottled, water murmur. It's better to sit down, have a cup of tea and be a homecoming.

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I think, therefore I am


Landscape is the emotional link between people and the land, is the warm power and spiritual attachment, good design can not only inspire people to experience the joy of life, but also comfort the soul and spirit. Let art and real life have a connection. What we create is not a closed appreciation space, but a more open space for participation, so that people can know the meaning of the river when they walk in the water waves. Sitting under the grille, they will have tasted the state of light and shadow. It is not an impossible handicraft, but our real life, and a participation space with emotional memory.








Project name: Aode Ruiyi government demonstration area

Project location: Zaozhuang, Shandong, China

Land use scale: 3000 square meters

Service content: Whole stage




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