上海陆家嘴世博中心逸扉酒店 | logon design
阅读:5277 2021-05-05


“逸扉 (UrCove by HYATT)” ,凯悦集团与首旅如家集团携手推出的全新酒店品牌。logon.design罗昂很荣幸参与了部分概念研发与酒店设计。上海陆家嘴世博中心逸扉酒店于2020年末面世,见证了整个品牌的研发与打磨,并荣获“最佳室内设计奖”和“最佳酒店改造设计奖” 两项GBE大奖。

UrCove - the new joint hotel brand by Hyatt and Home Inn, is developing fast and successfully. The UrCove Shanghai Lujiazui EXPO, opened late 2020, was the first hotel property to fully implement the brand’s identity and and design. This project, designed by logon.design, has just been awarded twice by the GBE Hotel Conference as “Excellent Interior Design” and “Excellent Renovation Design Hotel”.

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The entrance: The guest experience starts with the arrival and entrance: rather hidden, a bit secret, a place only friends would know and enter (our guests all have booked online, so they will find it). Rather small and space economic, then entrance features wood and stone, plus light (daylight and artificial light) as key design materials to create and exclusive, semi private arrival experience.

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The Lobby is one large, open space that combines all shared functions and facilities: individual, flexible service stations for check in, self-check in, bar, self-service bar. Guests can choose to just help themselves like at a friend’s place, or take advantage of the service offering by the friendly staff. Various semi-private spaces are offered to spend time like the living room, the lounge, the bar, the dining room. Guests can meeting new friends here, chat with the staff, or just enjoy a quite time with a glass of wine or engage in some business meetings. The use of wood and stone again, grand yet warm, provides a cozy to feel home at a friend’splace. Attention is taken care of light, decoration (modern, elegant but clean and simple) and functionality.

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The Friendship theme is consistent thru the public spaces, including corridors, laundry and gym, all the way towards the rooms.

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The rooms are unconventional due to the property: quite large, but only 2.8 meters wide, but up to 12m long. The design takes advantage of this layout by offering different room types, some more business user oriented, some more family oriented. All rooms feature defining different zones along the longitudinal section: lounge and workspace zones, bathroom zones, wardrobe, and sleeping zone. For different users, like business travelers, these rooms offer functionality and flexibility like a suite, yet on a standard room budget.

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All rooms are designed to be cozy and warm, using again wood as main material. The atmosphere is modern and elegant with a touch of location and context, that can be customized for each property easily. Bathrooms are either semi-open or private, but always offer a highly functional and flexible spaces.

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