荷兰地标会议中心 | UNStudioArchitecture
阅读:4004 2021-05-19


UNStudio 联合赢得荷兰地标会议中心项目的设计、建造、融资和运营

荷兰当地时间4月29日星期四,UNStudio联合体Elysioin 的投标方案受到各相关学科评估委员会委员的肯定,授予Elysion 联合体赢得荷兰恩荷芬智慧港会议中心项目竞赛,进入“中标公式”阶段。

On Thursday, April 29th, Local time in the Netherlands, after careful assessment based on the award criteria, the members of the multidisciplinary assessment committee individually gave a positive opinion on the UNStudio consortium Elysion tender, and the provisional award was granted to Elysion.

荷兰恩荷芬智慧港 (Brainport Eindhoven) 是欧洲领先的技术创新地区之一。为加强该区域先进的技术、设计和知慧港的国际定位,荷兰埃因霍温市期望打造成一个引人注目的、全新的、先进的会议中心。

Brainport Eindhoven is currently one of the leading innovative technology regions in Europe. To enhance its international positioning as an inspiring region of technology, design and knowledge, the Dutch city of Eindhoven has the ambition to realise a clearly identifiable, new, state of theart congress and conference centre. 

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设计提案主要是扩展当前的Van der Valk 会议中心和活动区域。当前的会议中心活动区包含酒店和餐厅等配套设施,并毗邻一个大型公园,与埃因霍温机场和市中心相连,地理位置十分优越。新的方案促进创新,扩展现有城市配套,大大降低整个工程对城市中心和周围环境的影响。

The Elysion Consortium proposed extending the current Van der Valk Congress and Event location, which also houses hotel and restaurant facilities and is located at the border of a large parkland area that enjoys excellent connections to both Eindhoven Airport and the city centre. By doing so, the proposal facilitates the renovation and expansion of existing facilities, thereby limiting its impact on both the city centre and the environment.


The design

UNStudio 对会议中心(ECC)的设计方案主要围绕 五个方向展开。

UNStudio’s Design Proposal for the Elysion Congress Centre (ECC) has been structured around five architectural interventions:

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High impact landmark, low impact on surroundings

城市创建一个地标性建筑是一种挑战,而与之相伴的运营方Van der Valk 的挑战是创建地标施工过程仍保持运营。因此,一个独特的设计解决方案应运而生,即将会议中心的扩建部分置于现有建筑旁,而礼堂则位于会议中心建筑顶部。

The challenge for the city to create a landmark building, along side the challenge for Van der Valk to maintain operations during the construction process, resulted in a unique design solution in which the extension of the congress centre is placed next to the existing building, while the auditorium is placed on top of the conference centre building. 

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This large cantilevered auditorium structure makes it possible to keep the existing hotel and conference centre fully operational during construction, while creating a clearly identifiable building with access to green parkland, excellent connections and space for logistics. 


A foyer that connects people and programme


With its wooden staircases and vertical green gardens, the foyer functions as the main connector from the ground floor through the different levels of the building. This vertical foyer also houses multiple areas for relaxing, working and informal meeting for visitors. In addition, the foyer connects the entrances to the congress and conference areas, with multiple bars and access to outside spaces. It also functions as the connector for all the facilities and main logistics. 

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Green surroundings and a sustainable approach

会议中心地处绿色公园(Genneper Parken)旁,是一个被智慧港大道(Brainport Avenue)、高科技园区和市中心环绕的大型绿色空间。

The ECC is located at the border of the ‘Genneper Parken’, a large green space between the ring road (Brainport Avenue), the high-tech campus and the city centre. 

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项目的设计从多个层面考虑了与绿色公园(Genneper Parken) 的融合。公园景观位于会议中心屋顶和挑高建筑下方。游客可以在屋顶或挑高建筑下方的阴凉处休闲放松,并在继续前行之前享用一杯健康果汁或咖啡。绿色公园(Genneper Parken) 内有大型体育设施,是人们进行体育锻炼、放松身心和社交的理想场所。

The integration of the project into the Genneper Parken is visible on multiple levels. The park landscape flows onto the roof and under the elevated building. Visitors can relax on the roof or in the shade under the building and enjoy a healthy juice or a coffee before moving on. The Genneper Parken also houses large sport facilities, and as such acts as a driver for physical, mentaland social health.

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The facade of the congress centre is principally made from wood and glass. The ambition is to couple this with nitrogen dioxide absorbing surfaces - an innovative new nano-technology that can capture pollutants from its surroundings. 

新建筑产生的能量比消耗的多,在能源方面也会产生积极的影响。通过使用创新的溴流电池,可以将能源储存起来,以便在高峰期使用。此外,该区域还设有大型电动汽车充电站。所有这些都展现出该项目申请绿色建筑 BREEAM 杰出等级的雄心。

The new buildings will also be energy positive, generating more energy than they consume. By using innovative bromide flow batteries, energy can be stored for use during peak times. In addition, the location houses the largest regional charging station for electrical cars. The green ambition for the project is also expressed in the application for a BREEAM Outstanding rating for the design. 

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A new mobility hub for Brainport

会议中心区的扩展,相应的配套设施如酒店房间、停车数量和休闲设施的数量也需要相应增加。为了适应这种变化,我们期望创建第二座体现运动和休闲的酒店塔楼,将停车区设置在智慧港大道(Brainport Avenue)旁边,成为绿化的延伸。

The expansion of the congress facilities also necessitates an extension in the number of hotel rooms, parking spaces and leisure facilities. To accommodate this, the intention is to create a second hotel tower that manifests sport and leisure, while the parking area is a green extension, placed alongside Brainport Avenue. 

借助于现有停车场和车道以及新停车场设施,我们旨在创建一个可持续的交通枢纽,不仅可以成为电动汽车的主要充电站,还为前往埃因霍温市中心的人们提供了绿色出行替代方案,如HOV 连接、自行车和其他智能交通手段。

By creating a sustainable mobility hub - with the existing park and ride and the new parking facilities - the location can not only become one of the main charging stations for electrical cars, it can also offer green alternatives for travel to Eindhoven city centre, such as the HOV connection, bicycles and other means of smart transportation. 

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A flexible solution for feasible exploitation

为了确保开发过程中的财务可行性,我们为 1500 个座位的礼堂开发了一个灵活的综合功能的设计方案。我们让整个大的会议空间可以灵活分割成四个小型会议空间,让小型会议也可以在同一建筑内举行。当举行小型会议时,其他会议室座椅是可伸缩的,可以作为一个宴会厅使用。此外,位于会议中心的录音室也可以举办各种线上和线下活动。

In order to ensure financial feasibility during exploitation, a proposal was developed to create a flexible and hybrid design forthe 1,500-seat auditorium. By creating different configurations within the conference space, the auditorium can be divided into four independent smaller auditoria, enabling smaller conferences to take place simultaneously within the building. When configured in this way, retractable seating also makes it possible for the lower auditorium to be used as a banquet hall while the other conference rooms are in use. In addition, a recording studio located in the conference centre will make it possible to host hybrid online and live events. 


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The main structure of the auditorium is built from acombination of wood and steel, while a large window provides visitors to the auditoriumwith a spectacular view to the skyline of Eindhoven. 

新的会议中心是埃因霍温地区改造的一部分,为实现这一目标,政府已拨款700 万欧元,项目计划于 2025 年竣工。

The new congress centre has become part of the region-deal Brainport Eindhoven, within which 7 million euro has been made available towards its realisation. The ambition is for this new facility to be completed in 2025.

Elysion 联合体成员

Van derValk: 运营商
UNStudio: 建筑师
Quant architecture: 建筑师
PBTA: 剧院技术和声学
Adviesbureau Tielemans: 结构工程师
DVP Smart Concepts: MEP 和 BREEAM
ISIS Bouwadvies: 造价顾问
Huybregts Relou: D&B 承包商和 BREEAM
DVP: 项目管理和招标管理

效果图: Flying architecture

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