涂鸦博物馆,法国尼奥 | FUKSAS
阅读:3954 2021-06-10

Museum of Graffiti, Niaux, France

项目客户 Client | 阿列日省总理事会

竣工时间 Completion Year | 1993

功能 Programs | 博物馆

景观设计 Lighting | Franco Zagari (Rome) and Alain Marguerit (Montpellier)

结构设计 Structural Design | Christopher McCarthy at OVE Arup et Partners, London

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位于法国尼奥的涂鸦博物馆旨在为访客设计一个玛格达莱尼亚时代(公元前11000 年)岩洞壁画的接待点及其观景平台,并创建一条连接其景点停车场及洞穴入口的游览路线。

Located in Niaux, France, the Museum of Graffiti is based on the need to create a reception point for the public, as well as an easy routing between the car park access level and that of the entrance to the grotto housing cave paintings dating from the Magdalenian era (11.000 BC).

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设计手稿 | Painting


The concept is to represent a kind of great prehistoric animal emerging from the cave and opening its wings to welcome visitors.

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平面(上) | Floor Plan (Top)

立面(中) | Elevation (Middle)

剖面(下) | Section (Bottom)

该设计意在模拟一趟考古探索之旅。其建筑立面设计由Corten Steel(一种已经生锈的金属饰面)制成。访客通过一条木制小路通向接待大厅,接待大厅里高高起伏的框架如同环绕于该空间内的两只臂膀,似乎在暗示着这趟考古之旅正在穿越这个古老遗址的地质断层。

The design is intended to resemble an archaeological find, and for this reason, is constructed out of Corten Steel, a material that had already rusted finish. A wooden path leads to the reception hall whose high opening framer by two large wings seems to allude to the geological fault running through this ancient site.

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涂鸦博物馆 | Museum of Graffiti



This project respects the wish of the Regional council of the Ariège Department who wanted both to set the site off the best advantage and to create a symbol as a testimony to its historical significance.

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模型 | Physical Model

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