上海明悦大厦 | logon design
阅读:5189 2021-07-08



Mingyue Connex located at No. 500 Gushan Road, Pudong, Shanghai. logon.design turnd a hotel into a complex mixed with commercial, office and service apartments. Opened at the beginning of 2021.



Based on the understanding of the building and surrounding, logon.design had different solutions which balance the expectations and possiblitlies, balance the time and approval process, balance the investment and quality. logon.design made the strategic AEI plan, and it’s goal is to apply decoration to both facade and inteior design.

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Facade decoration respect the original architecture structure, and made limited optimizations which makes the appreace modern. Keep the former art-deco architectural style and the original glass curtain wall system in the middle. Simplify the vertical stone lines at the both wings where replaced the stone exterior with aluminum panels. Processed the new modulus based on the facade structural columns. The facade upgraded design aims to reflect the high-end office quality, and with LCM plaza forms the new CBD of PuDong.

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The starting point of the landscape design is to consider the integration of architecture and the context. The public space is opened to improve the quality of the entire project and surroundings.

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