深圳蛇口花园城升级改造项目 | 耶格卡恩建筑设计有限公司
阅读:5896 2021-07-11


Jaeger Kahlen Partner reveals an innovative strategy for a shopping mall renovation.


鸟瞰视角  Aerial View



Shekou Garden City has become a well-known shopping mall in Nanshan  neighborhood in the past, due to it’s iconic “bowl” shape media façade. It was built in 2006, but with the rapidly changing commercial trends, the mall nowadays requires an extensive indoor and outdoor renovation, new commercial theme strategy, program revision and way finding systems. The client’s vision was clear that the place should be more family and education oriented. Therefore we propose the shift of the program to more interactive experience with strong branding strategy that need to be launched along the design vision.

With this proposal we introduce a new generation of the “Garden City” mall, and transforming of the “Garden City” into the “City Garden”!

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北立面  North Facade



In order to integrate the theme approach of “City Garden” in a big scale, we first propose to adjust the overall building appearance. Due to its internal program renewal, the shopping mall façade will be able to adapt greater opening and introduction of the bigger restaurants and coffee shops terraces. This gesture will turn the mall into a better place for socializing and a heart of the neighbourhood. The existing mall is consisted of two building blocks, where the north block was designed with an introverted program organization with corridors and sequence of atriums. Our strategy would be to open the space from inside to outside in order to be more integrated with the neighbourhood and to share more coherent design language.


设计策略图解  Strategy Diagram

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总平面  Masterplan



The site area in the district is surrounded by service apartments and large residential gardens. Families with children and young people would form the main target customer group. Therefore, the new commercial strategy is based on on family oriented and fun education concept. Promoting vibrant and fashionable lifestyle, the mall offersthe diverse activities and rich program for the visitors which not only fulfil their needs but provide unique memorable experience. At the same time aiming to create a healthy environment, we focused on the quality of space with good air and controlled quality of light.


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空间叙事  Space Narrative

       作为对快节奏城市生活的舒缓我们通过对蛇口花园城的改造来推广一种舒缓愉悦的生活方式为更好地吸引年轻群体在本项目我们和慢树懒六六卡通品牌联名将树懒“Neul”作为购物空间的吉祥物以及慢生活形象大使除了娱乐性质和艺术价值以外“Neul”这个形象还有一定的教育意义通过吉祥物的高度标识性和其绿色环保主题在孩子中推广对可持续性发展和保护自然的认知吉祥物 Neul” 可以出现在商场内的各种教育区域或者是屏幕播放的短片中还可以成为商场配套app内的符号形象


As a counter point to city dynamic and stressful life, Garden City is promoting slow and joyful lifestyle.  For successful integration of this brand strategy which will attract the young generation as well, for this project we’ve made a collaboration with “慢树懒六六”, a popular Chinese cartoon and choose “Neul” as the space mascot and an ambassad or of the slow life. Except of the entertaining purpose and theart sculptures “Neul” have an educational target as well. As the iconic and green topics are key elements of the concept, mascot will work as a guide, sharing awareness of sustainability and how important is to take care of the nature. It can be integrated as through the special educational or interactive areas inside of the mall, as well as with the short promotions on the screen. The mascot can be a user guide for the mall mobile application.


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南入口  South Entrance



Following the proposed narrative, visitors enjoy the interior spaces, which are inspired by interacting with the nature. Thus the main North Entrance turn into the “Park” with it’s hanging plants and pleasant places to relax, the shopping alley turn into “Green Valley” and taking inspiration from Hangzhou teafields. The plaza of the South Gate together with the climbing wall, forms the “Entrance to the cave”, where the subway entrance with it’s main functions for children is designated as “Wonderland”Enhancing the link between indoor and outdoor space we propose similar materials, the stone stripes, which fluidly turns along the volume bring the feeling of the continuity and inter connection between the spaces.

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南入口室内空间  South Entrance. Interior

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 购物中庭  Shopping Alley

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北入口室内空间  North Entrance. Interior



In order to strengthen the building interaction interact with the neighbourhood, for the façade strategy we propose the use of natural materials, such aslocal natural Bedonia stone which gives a warm notion with the natural touch including a completely enclosed facade wall, which specially facing the southern community of Garden City. The frit print glass at the South entrance and North-West corner will create attractive environment for the visitors, while and still is able to provide daylight at the food and beverage areas. Inorder to improve the outdoor space quality we introduce natural shading elements, such as the canopies above the ground floor, shades on the roof and the skylight in order to improve the building performance and environment comfort. At the same time we introduce a wast amount of plants, with green walls, located at the mall entrances, we are bringing the nature to the building and increasing the ecological value of the space. Additional planters are introduced as the separate features, as well as along the walls and canopies, when new outdoor terraces enhance interrelation between indoor and outdoor.


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北入口 North Entrance

       我们的品牌战略不仅考虑了布置租户的室外广告牌,还突出展示了商场的空间设计和内部的游乐方式。这些都会通过与种植外墙结合的大型LED屏幕来展示。我们的吉祥物"Neul" 也会出现在画面里介绍商场,吸引顾客参加活动。以外,吉祥物还可长期或临时地用于的室外装置,放置在主要立面的顶部。


Proposed Brand Strategy is considered not only support the advertisement of the tenant but to highlight the actual design of the mall and lifestyle of it’s visitors. These features are represented through advertisement at large LED screens, which are integrated inside of the green walls and enhance cooperate identity from outside by promoting sustainable lifestyle. The screens content introduces through mascot the space and invites the visitors to take part in current activities. Inaddition, the mascot sculpture can also be used as a permanent or temporary outdoor installation to be placed on top of the main facade.              


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幕墙模数 Facade Module



Solving the projects of existing issues, we propose cross-disciplinary approach and come up with coherent strategy which works with the same principals from urban scale to the details, links the outside space with internal and invite the visitor for an existing journey, widening up the boarders of the typical shopping experience. At the same time we generate astrong brand strategy and place making concept which turns introverted shopping mall into the heart of community.

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