北京国家大剧院多功能宴会厅 | 古鲁奇建筑咨询有限公司
阅读:3846 2021-08-06



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1999年,法国建筑设计师保罗·安德鲁Paul Andreu完成了他人生当中的经典之作,中国国家大剧院 ( National Centre For The Performing Arts ) 设计方案,2007年,国家大剧院竣工正式演出。中国国家大剧院造型新颖、前卫,中心建筑是半椭球形钢结构壳体,其表面由18398块钛金属板与1226块超白透明玻璃共同组成两种材质轻巧拼接呈现出唯美的曲线,营造出舞台帷幕徐徐拉开的视觉效果。

2019年国家大剧院委托古鲁奇设计团队针对院内西餐厅多功能厅 (NCPA Western Cuisine) 进行设计。这是个极具挑战性的项目,除了要在辨识度已经很高的剧院中创造独属于餐厅的记忆点,还需思考如何在大剧院原有的环境中将新的概念完美的融合。

Architectural designer Paul Andrew's Grand Theater is modern, romantic and advanced. Many people think that his design scheme separates the Grand Theater from its surrounding environment, but in fact Andrew's design hides Chinese traditional ideas. The National Grand Theater is located on a square pool and appears in the public's view as a "pearl in the lake". The huge arc dome and square foundation coincide with the traditional Chinese concept of "round sky and place". In order to prevent the pool from freezing in winter, Andrew spent a lot of money on the water circulation system of the Grand Theater, The arc shape of the Grand Theater and the shape of the circular dragon lantern make the whole building not static, but full of vitality and change. The Grand Theater on the seemingly calm but constantly changing water seems to be a pregnant life. It seems to use itself to explain the concept that things are a process of continuous reincarnation and repetition, and life is a continuous growth without termination. It is the so-called "cycle and endless life" of all things, which can also be reflected in the design of the restaurant.

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Architectural designer Paul Andrew's Grand Theater is modern, romantic and advanced. Many people think that his design scheme separates the Grand Theater from its surrounding environment, but in fact Andrew's design hides Chinese traditional ideas. The National Grand Theater is located on a square pool and appears in the public's view as a "pearl in the lake". The huge arc dome and square foundation coincide with the traditional Chinese concept of "round sky and place". In order to prevent the pool from freezing in winter, Andrew spent a lot of money on the water circulation system of the Grand Theater, The arc shape of the Grand Theater and the shape of the circular dragon lantern make the whole building not static, but full of vitality and change. The Grand Theater on the seemingly calm but constantly changing water seems to be a pregnant life. It seems to use itself to explain the concept that things are a process of continuous reincarnation and repetition, and life is a continuous growth without termination. It is the so-called "cycle and endless life" of all things, which can also be reflected in the design of the restaurant.





As the most artisticpalace in China, theNational Centre for the Performing Arts performs differentkinds of performances. The creative concept of Golucci design team comes fromthe ribbon refined from dance art as a new visual element for space.

Ribbon also has anothermeaning, like a yellow ribbon, and letting it fall in a natural form in thespace, in memory of the great late architect Paul Andreu.

The curved ribbon islike an installation art, which not only echoes the curved vault of thebuilding, but also integrates with the original dragon lantern of the building.It does not only play the role of space separation, but also enriches the levelof indoor space.

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The lighting of thedining room adopts the form of a tree, which symbolizes vitality. Tree lightsare interspersed in the dining room disorderly, which not just solves theproblem of lighting without ceiling, but also injects new meaning into thespace. With the ribbon facade modeling, the spatial atmosphere of an art jungleis created.

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The central revolvingstaircase separates the north and south areas of the restaurant. It would betoo wasteful to use it as a passageway. Therefore, on the basis of retainingthe original handrail stone of the revolving staircase, the design teamattached  a functional bar with redartificial stone to the handrail stone of the staircase. The form of the barribbon also echoed the overall concept of space.

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The shell room in thecenter of the space is also a large installation art. Several shell screenswhich refer to the shape of the grand theater are enclosed to form a privatedining space. 

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The outer surface is made of hand-hammered Copper, and the innerpart is made of silk flannelette, which acts as an attraction, so that thepackage room in the form of semi open flower bud can still have good privacy.The huge contrast of materials inside and outside the compartment can alsostimulate people's association that the hard shell contains soft life.

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 Multi functionalpartition

Spanning 212.2 metersfrom east to west, the National Centre for the Performing Arts has the largest domein the world. It contains a variety of architectural spaces, and undertakesvarious functions such as performance, display and display. Compared with otherspaces, the functions of the dining room are more complex. The restaurant isdivided into two areas: the south area meets the needs of the audience, has thefunction of leisure coffee and dinner, and can enjoy the piano performance in asmall range; the north area is a multi-functional area, which has more formalfunctions, and can provide banquets, release meetings or celebrations for 30 to60 people.

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项目名称 :国家大剧院多功能宴会厅

Project Name : NCPA Western Cuisine /National Centre for the Performing Arts of China     

设计公司 :古鲁奇公司

Design Firm : GolucciInterior Architects

设计总监 : 利旭恒

Chief Designer : LEE Hsuheng

设计成员 : 徐曾,陈则希,王晓汀,冉一然,彭文诺,林仁贤

Project Design Team : XuZeng, Wang Xiaoting, Ran Yiran ,Peng Wennuo , Lin Renxian,Josh Chen

项目位置 : 中国北京

Location:  Beijing China

项目面积 :880平方米

Builtarea: 880 M2

完成时间 :2021年03月

Completiondate :  March. 2021

摄      影:鲁哈哈,甘源,罗晓光

Photography: Lulu Xi , Gan Yuan, LuoXiaoguang

文      字 : 刘阳

Text : Yang Yang

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