In light of ever-increasing student numbers, combined with the need for more education space, the new inter-faculty building for TU Delft is designed to meet the leading Dutch university’s need for flexible extra teaching space – now and in the future.
Energy-generating building: Echo will harvest more energy than it uses during operation
Interfaculty building: wide variety of adaptable teaching and study spaces for maximum flexibility in scheduling
Health-focused: Echo is designed to promote physical, psychological and social health
Transcends current learning environments: a model for new ways of learning and for future campus buildings
Echo is an energy-generating interfaculty building that offers a wide variety of teaching rooms to cater for the diversity of teaching methods and study styles at the university. As the most sustainable building at the TU Delft, Echo is contributing to the university’s ambitions to operate a fully sustainable campus by 2030.
Ben van Berkel (UNStudio创始人/首席建筑师) :“Echo是一个校园建筑的典范。在这座高度紧凑的建筑中,空间的利用扩展至极,不同学科背景的学生实现了更紧密地联系。在这里,他们不仅可以分享彼此的学习经验并相互学习,还可以从建筑本身中获取知识。”
Ben van Berkel (Founder/Principal Architect UNStudio): The Echo building teaches by example. In this highly compact building, the use of space is maximised, while bringing students from different disciplines in closer contact. Not only can they condense their learning experience and learn from each other, but they can also learn from the building itself.”
新的前瞻性教学大楼Echo ,由UNStudio与 Arup 和 BBN 联合设计,以适应性和使用者的健康为核心,融合产能绿色理念,打造全力支持多种教学方法和形式的教学大楼。
For Echo, UNStudio, in collaboration with Arup and BBN, created a design that fully supports different educational typologies and teaching methods with an energy-generating building in which adaptability and the wellbeing of the user are central.
Ben van Berkel:“与传统校园有所不同,未来的校园需要规划灵活多用的空间,鼓励学生和教师展开学习、共同合作和创造。随着学生人数不断增长,教学建筑需要具备高度的灵活性,通过建立一种跨学科共享使用的模式来运作,以促进更全面的学科教育。
Ben van Berkel: “Unlike traditional campuses that operate in silos, the future campus needs to be programmed with agile spaces that invite students and faculty to learn, collaborate and co-create. As student numbers continue to grow, educational buildings need to be extremely flexible, to operate through a model based on shared interfaculty use that can promote a more generalist education.”
Transparency, publicness and openness of Echo
©Photo by Evabloem
1200 solar panels are installed on the roof
©Photo by Evabloem
*建筑剖面图Section ©UNStudio
1200 solar panels, smart installations, good insulation and a heat and cold storage system ensure that Echo will be able to provide more energy than it requires for its daily operations. This includes user-related energy, such as electricity consumption for laptops, lighting and catering. 90% of the furniture used in the building has also been reused.
A full of daylight, bright and uplifting environment, also creates a visual connection
©photo by Hufton+Crow
Transparency was essential to the design of Echo. It not only ensures maximum daylight inside the building (known to have health benefits for the users, but also reducing the need for artificial lighting), it also creates a visual connection to the wider campus and to surrounding nature. As such, a closed-in, ‘institutional’ experience for the users is avoided, while the open and public character of the building connects the two sides of the campus and provides a bright, uplifting and welcoming environment for faculty and students alike.
The deep horizontal aluminum awnings keep out excess solar heat, green facade
©photo by Hufton+Crow
However, to avoid heat gain, it is also essential to prevent excess sunlight penetration. Overheating of the building is prevented by a combination of sun protection and the low solar penetration factor of the glass. In addition, the deep horizontal aluminum awnings keep out excess solar heat. These canopies are interconnected by cables along which climbing plants form a subtle green facade that filters daylight.
Diagram ©UNStudio
To ensure clean air in the building, a plenum floor is installed above hollow-core slabs. Here fresh air is pumped up from the floor, rather than down from above, thus avoiding circulation around the room. The vents for this system, along with the computer floor installation, can easily be relocated, should the layouts of the rooms change in the future.
Diagram ©UNStudio
Not only has a great deal of attention been paid to the environmental impact of the materials used in the construction, but the building has been designed as much as possible according to principles of circularity. Using large portal constructions with large grid sizes, the columns run along the edge of the building, creating column-free spaces with large spans. The steel trusses have standard sizes and can be dismantled so that they can be reused elsewhere after the lifespan of the building. The hollow-core slabs can also be reused in the future.
Interior ©Photo by Evabloem
Echo is an education building with multifunctional spaces that transcends current learning environments. The design supports the contemporary culture of 'Everything Anywhere', where the in-between spaces are also of great importance and physical movement is stimulated. Echo therefore also provides space for unstructured time: a variety of platforms for reflection, inspiration and communication.
Transcendscurrent learning environments
Spacefor unstructured time: avariety of platforms for reflection, inspiration and communication.
©Photos by Evableom
*图表解析 Diagram
Interior layout
Bamboo ribs extend along the ceiling
Bamboo extended around the central staircase
The interior offers a warm welcome to visitors. At specific positions, bamboo ribs extend along the ceiling, forming an integral part of the design. The crafted look and feel of the bamboo is extended around the central staircase, that in one gesture joins the study and cooperation spaces into one connected world of learning, collaboration and connection. This centrally positioned 'grand stair' facilitates and promotes physical movement through the building and thus contributes to the health of students, researchers and teachers alike.
A future-proof campus is an active campus. That is why Echo not only connects with the surrounding public space, it also defines it. The adjacent square continues through the transparent ground floor of the building and connects with the street on the other side, turning the ground floor of Echo into a covered public square and a public connector that makes the invisible world of learning a visible and engaging experience.
Two sculptural volumes simultaneously defines two large transparent corners
上图:互动的、吸引人流的空间布局 Diagram
中图:辩论空间 Debate space
下图:容纳700人的大讲堂 The large 700 person lecture
©photo by Evabloem
楼内两个有雕塑感的空间,一个容纳700 人的大讲堂和一个辩论空间,将人流吸引至这个有顶的公共广场。这两个设计精妙的空间呈对角线分布,同时也定义了两个透明转角区域,其中一个为带有露台的餐厅,正位于Dreamhall的对面;另一个是宽敞的景观学习区。
Two sculptural volumes (the large 700 person lecture hall and the debate space), direct the flow of people across this covered square. The diagonal orientation of these volumes simultaneously defines two large transparent corners, one housing a restaurant with terrace opposite the D:Dreamhall, and the other a large study landscape.
A large study landscape ©Photo by Hufton+Crow
The 8,844 m2 Echo building provides space for lectures and tutorials, group work, project-based teaching, debates and self-study for around 1,700 students by way of the lecture rooms, classrooms and a variety of study spaces.
Interior-Thelargest lecture room
©Photo by Evabloem
Echo houses a total of seven teaching rooms, most with a flexible layout. The largest lecture room on the ground floor, which can accommodate 700 people, can be divided into three separate rooms in 15 minutes. This enables multiple lectures or events to take place simultaneously and enables maximum programming of the space.
Mixed didactic space with a movable wall system
©Photo by Evabloem
A similar movable wall system is used in the mixed didactic space on the first level, so that this can be divided into two classrooms of 144 places each when required. The more than 300 study spaces throughout the building can be used for group work and self-study.
*上图:教学大楼剖面图 Section
下图:室内空间布局图 Interior layout
所有教室均根据师生当前和未来需求而设计。Echo教学大楼侧重于可容纳150人至700人的中大型教室。除了这些大型教室外,楼内还设置了一个案例研究教室,尤其适合于教师和学生之间进行激励型教学和互动。此外,还有四个用于项目教学的标准教室,每间可容纳近 70 人。
The various teaching rooms have been designed based on the current and future needs of the lecturers and students. In Echo, the focus is on medium-sized and large teaching rooms, accommodating between 150 and 700 people. In addition to these larger rooms, there is also a case-study room that is particularly suitable for motivational teaching/interaction between lecturers and students. In addition there are four level rooms for project-based teaching, each accommodating almost 70 people.
A modular wall system has been used in the office spaces on the second floor, allowing for future changes to the layout. Should there be demand for functional change in the future, these office spaces can be turned into didactic spaces with minimum interruption.