上海华润置地和信德集团苏河湾中心 | 英国福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所
阅读:5010 2023-01-20

Foster + Partners has completed the first office tower in the newly regenerated Suhewan area of Shanghai. 


The Suhe Centre for China Resources Land and Shun Tak Holdings Limited forms the centrepiece of the Suhewan East Urban Complex, which introduces a rich mix of functions to the predominantly residential area. The 200 metre, 42-storey signature tower is part of the city’s vision to draw development towards the eastern quarter.


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“It has been a great privilege to design the first office tower in Suhewan. We have worked closely with China Resources Land and Shun Tak Holdings Limited to create a landmark building that offers truly modern workspaces which prioritise city and park views, comfort and flexibility. The Suhe Centre is an exciting new addition to the city and an integral part of their vision to bring new business to the eastern quarter.” Emily Phang, Senior Partner, Foster + Partners.

Foster + Partners高级合伙人彭惠君女士说:“能够设计苏河湾的首座办公,我们感到非常荣幸。我们与华润置地和信德集团紧密合作,打造了一座地标性建筑。我们在设计时优先考虑了周边的城市和公园景观、建筑内部的舒适性和灵活性,从而为人们提供了真正现代化的工作空间。苏河湾中心是这座城市中一座令人兴奋的新建筑,是城市发展愿景的一部分,期待这里为东部片区带来新的繁荣。”

The Suhe Centre has obtained LEED Platinum certification and has a Green Building 2 Star rating. This is due to a comprehensive sustainability strategy which includes recycling rainwater for irrigation, intelligent systems for optimising the indoor environment and air quality monitoring, bicycle parking and charging spaces.


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“The Suhe Centre plays a central role in activating Suhewan and creating a vibrant new piece of the city. The tower has been designed to enhance wellbeing, with plenty of natural light and open, column free workspaces. It offers great views of the Jing An district, the Historical Bund, Pudong Lujiazui and the Huangpu and Suhe rivers. Its flexible floorplates allow for a range of different layouts to support contemporary ways of working.” Gerard Evenden, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners.

Foster + Partner工作室总监Gerard Evenden表示:“苏河湾中心在激活苏河湾、打造城市充满活力新城区方面发挥着核心作用。大楼的设计旨在提高人们的福祉,让人们拥有充足的自然光以及开阔的无立柱工作空间。这里坐拥静安区、老外滩、浦东陆家嘴,以及黄浦江和苏州河的壮丽景色。灵活的楼板空间设计允许多种不同的布局,支持现代化的办公方式。”

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