虹桥主城前湾地区城市设计 | TLS景观
阅读:16367 2021-02-04


TLS的 “尚水之城”方案,赢得了由闵行区组织的虹桥主城前湾地区城市设计国际竞赛,成为中标方案。前湾地区位于虹桥商务区西北部,本次国际方案征集总体研究范围为10平方公里,其中核心区城市设计范围约2平方公里,中心滨水开放空间1平方公里。

TLS Landscape Architecture is the recent winner of an international competition for the planning and design of the Qianwan area of Hongqiao city organized by the Minhang District Government. Qianwan is in the northwest of Hongqiao Business District. The winning entry – “Hydro City / Hyper Community” has a core area of approximately 2 square kilometers with a 1 square kilometer waterfront open space.

《尚水之城》多媒体 ©TLS

For five years, TLS has been engaged in a practice focused on recovering and reinterpreting cultural and ecological legacy. Each new project offers new lines of inquiry and understanding – each time exploring a new thesis about reconnecting time-honored Chinese cultural traditions with modern city and landscape design. This practice is an urgent necessity. All you have to do is look around at New Cities that all appear the same - having sprung up without the necessary deepening in the process - frequently having lost what made each place and region unique to its environment and history. This cannot be about superficial historic “quotations” but begin with first principles of urban life over time, historic ecology, and seasonal cycles. TLS efforts along these lines in cities like Xiong-an, Suzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou show the potential value provided both to the people and the development community. Qianwan Hydro City follows in that effort.

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For Hydro City, TLS reflects on some of the generic conventions of New City design that we see everywhere. These include the large green “Central Park” based typically on 19th century US models as an amenity for a dense downtown core – typically resulting in two separate domains. These are frequently joined with huge canals treated as primarily as a flood engineering project without human scale or access - due to unfriendly edge design and poor water quality. 

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TLS试图寻找另一种解答:我们研究了长三角区域内,作为文化与生态遗产的 “水乡”“水镇”场所。我们的规划将新城区中心的河道、开放空间与建筑体量适当分解,让更生态、更具步行尺度的小河道、水湾、小岛、桥梁、城市溪流嵌入中心区的“开口”与“缝隙”中,创造出交织的肌理和尺度。打破传统公园与城市的界限。让河道从“阻隔“变成“交织连接“。以一种新颖而又古老的方式,微妙地组合了水与陆、花园与码头、庭园、桥与岛屿等。
Looking for another answer, TLS draws on the cultural and ecological legacy of the water villages found within the region. The scheme fractures the canal, open space, and downtown massing. This allows ecologically rich and pedestrian scale smaller channels, bays, islands, bridges, and urban streams to infiltrate the resulting openings and crevices, creating an intricate fabric and scale. The result is a delicate hybrid composition of land and water, garden and small marina, courtyard, bridge, and island - something new but also old. 

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▲ 东潮+西溯之思:前湾场地位于古海岸线之上,其西面曾经孕育了吴文化和一座座水乡城镇;东面形成了世界级大都市上海。“西溯”代表水乡宜居传统与内陆型能量;“东潮”代表开放的海派精神。前湾诞生在东潮、西溯交汇的环境与文化中。它可向西继承水乡、水镇的社群生活与宜居传统,受内陆精神的启迪;向东拥抱开放、国际化的海派生活与发展方式——前湾是一处交融的场所。
East+West:The Qianwan area is seated on the ancient coastline. To the west of it, ancient Wu culture emerged and evolved a series of water towns; To the east grew an international metropolis, Shanghai. Qianwan is conceived at this intersection of environments and cultures. From the West it inherits the social, livable tradition of water towns inspired by the inland spirit. From the East it embraces the open and international Shanghai way of life and growth. Qianwan is a hybrid place.

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▲ 以水为脉:TLS方案引入苏州河水作为前湾的中心元素和组织工具,与现状河网交织,以建设上海主城区最大的滨河开放空间。沿现状水脉架构三环一廊的绿地系统,营造出滨水场所和生态景观的多样肌理。
Water as Armature:TLS’ proposal introduces water from Suzhou River as Qianwan’s central feature and organizing device, interweaving with the existing canal network to build the largest riverfront park in Shanghai's urban area. A Green and Blue open space system with three rings and one corridor is constructed on and within the water creating a widely diverse fabric of waterfront sites and ecological landscapes.

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▲ 城水交融:城市将生长在交融的网络中,由主街道、次级街道、小巷与河道、小河、湖以及城市溪流相互交织成网。
The city will grow within a network of major streets, minor streets, alleyways interlaced with canals, streams, lakes and urban channels.

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▲ 水质净化这一城市理念显然需要较高的水质。引入的苏州河水,通过一体化污水处理设施进入场地,再流经南北两片湿地净化,最终以三类水质到达核心区,深入街区的景观水系是另一套水处理系统,收集地表径流,在其到达中心水体之前加以净化。
Water purification:This is an urban idea that clearly requires good water quality. The Suzhou River enters the site through integrated treatment facilities, flows through two ecological wetlands in the north and south for filtration and purification, and finally reaches the core area with level III water quality. Working outward from the urban core an intricate landscape water system infiltrates the development blocks to collect and purify urban runoff before it arrives at the central waterfront.

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▲ 淞、洲、漕、沪、湾:设计从吴淞江流域、长江三角洲、上海生态圈、华漕地区以及前湾地区五个尺度进行场地分析,提炼出“淞、洲、漕、沪、湾”五种水陆地貌。
River, Delta, Waterway, Fence & Turn: The design conducted site analysis on five scales including the Suzhou River Watershed, the Yangtze River Delta, the Shanghai Ecosphere, the Huacao area and the Qianwan area. 

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▲ 五种水陆形态-五大特色分区由这五个汉字作为前湾城市形态的核心理念,代表五种水陆形态,形成五个各具特色的城市片区:生态公园、智慧绿洲、尚水都心、文化客厅和前湾之窗。
As the core concept of urban form in the Qianwan area, these five Chinese characters have then developed into five urban areas as Eco Park, Smart Islands, The Core, Cultural Living Room and Window of Qianwan.

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— 尚水都心区:前湾地区原为华漕镇所在。尚水都心是前湾的城市中心区,水系深入渗透进城市空间,带来丰富的滨水体验和水岸空间价值。
WATERWAY- THE CORE:Qianwan area is originally where Huacao Town is located; The Core is the intense center of the Hydro City with water penetrating urban space and bringing waterfront experience and subsequent land value deep into the city.

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Benefiting from the TOD development of subway stations, two major commercial cores are established on both sides of the park. A suspension pedestrian bridge "Rainbow in the Sky" connect towers, roof gardens as well as subway stations while preserving the intricate fabric of the spaces below, and synchronizing two shores of development.

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▲ 共享游船码头:核心开放空间边界设置轻商业和外摆,模糊商业与公园的界面。共享游船码头、紫薇水亭、紫堤市集,沿河道布置,形成滨水小型聚集空间,可在水畔举办跳蚤市场、啤酒花园等户外活动。
Light commercial outdoor space is set on both sides of the core, to blur the interface between commerce and parks. The crape myrtle water pavilion, water taxi marina, and purple levee market are arranged along the canal span to establish waterfront gathering space, which can hold various outdoor events such as flea markets and beer gardens.

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▲ 虹桥新派水街:结合人性化的建筑尺度,容纳虹桥夜经济、餐饮和传统音乐表演舞台,以重现水城巷陌、桥头埠头的繁荣景象与兴旺的社会生活。
Hongqiao New Style Water Street accommodates night economy, including restaurants, bars and music performances, and reproduces the prosperous scene of water towns and their convivial social life.

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▲ 下沉花园:设计强调高层建筑和地下空间的三维一体化设计、立体开发,加强地下系统与周边建筑和街道景观的联系。为提升地下空间特色,设计策划了一条艺术空间体验流线,让公园景观从地面渗透到地下空间,构成下沉的花园与小公园网络,模糊了地面与B1层空间的界面。
The design emphasizes the integrated three-dimensional development of high-rise buildings, urban streetscape, and underground space. In order to enhance the characteristics of the underground space, we plan an experimental underground art garden tour. The landscape penetrates the underground, forming a network of sunken small parks, blurring the boundaries between surface and B1 open spaces.

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— 文化客厅区:“沪”曾代表捕鱼的栅栏围绕的方形水域。文化客厅区将虹桥国际演艺中心的功能与设施辐射进入公园,形成汇集前湾艺术文化的核心。
FENCE- CULTURE LIVING ROOM:The name “Shanghai” originally represents the square waters surrounded by the fishing fence, and the Cultural Living Room area radiates the functions of the Hongqiao International Performing Arts Center into the green space, forming the Qianwan core of art and culture.

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▲ 中央水庭:书法中心与多个小尺度艺廊围绕中央水庭,形成一个个市民生活的“客厅”。围绕每个艺廊产生不同的空间和故事,容纳艺术展览、咖啡艺廊、音乐演奏、手工艺制作与其它文娱活动。
The calligraphy center and multiple small-scale art galleries surround the central water court, forming a "living room" for citizens' lives, each telling different spaces and stories, and accommodates art exhibitions, coffee galleries, music performances, handicraft experiments and other cultural activities.

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The lotus dike connects the urban wetland with the water court, purifies the urban runoffs, and creates an elegant waterfront scenery.

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While bringing the cultural function of the theater center into the park, the water landscape of the park also extends into the theater center square and the atrium. 

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— 前湾之窗区:“一湾引苏河”——湾代表河流湾转,汇入前湾之窗区,形成核心区南端的开朗湖面和社区公园。环绕湖面的公园、市民中心、会展中心、望云桥、办公塔楼,精心塑造了湖畔天际线。从霁虹湖回望,可远眺前湾之虹、云霄塔。
TURN-WINDOW OF QIANWAN: a river turn introduces the Suzhou River into the site - a turn where the river merges into the window area of Qianwan, forming the cheerful lake and community park at the southern end of the core area. The park, civic center, convention center, Cloud Bridge, and office towers surrounding the lake carefully shape the lakeside skyline. Looking back from Rainbow Lake, you can see the rainbow of Qianwan and Cloud Tower. 
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At the southern end of the core area, there is a lake view landmark-the Eye Within Mists. It is the window into Rainbow Lake from the south, the gateway to the park, and the start of water tour. It is equipped with mist installation art, gathering the invisible atmosphere; the internal space can host regional-level large-scale events, such as lectures, conferences and concerts, and it is also the best observatory of Qianwan.

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Qianwan is place for families to live in harmony with water, creating a comfortable and humanistic setting for daily life. The community green space is connected to the park through the landscape water system. Residents can enjoy gardens and strolling along the water within easy reach, creating a livable international community. 

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— 智慧绿洲区:洲代表水中的绿地。智慧绿洲区环绕着霁月湖,聚集了智慧服务、先进医疗等科创企业。这里是前湾的科创中心。
DELTA-SMART ISLAND:  The Character “Delta” represents the green space in the water. The Smart Delta area, surrounding Moon Lake, gathers cutting-edge smart services, medical care, and Science and technology enterprises. It is the tech innovation center of Qianwan.

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In order to strengthen the interaction between scientific research institutions and groups, a ring bridge "Lotus Smart Ring" connects the two shores, connecting the islands, business clusters, and fitness venues to promote both health and collaboration within the intense technological life. 

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 交互岛屿:集合AR技术的健身道与灯光艺术装置, 传递未来城市的动感气质。
Interactive islands integrate AR fitness tracks and light installations to convey the dynamic temperament of the future city.

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Tech Cloud provides a smart city visualization platform, serving small outdoor seminars and exchanges, and outdoor experience activities.

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— 生态公园区:淞代表河流,吴淞江—苏州河生态廊道连接太湖与上海中心城区。生态公园区连通苏州河绿廊,其水系形态蜿蜒曲折,以多种净水湿地改善水质。
RIVER-ECO PARK : The character “Song” represents the river, the Suzhou River Ecological Corridor connects Taihu Lake and Shanghai. The water system of the ecological park area is winding, connected to the Suzhou River Green Corridor. It uses a variety of water purification wetlands to improve water quality.

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Set up aquatic ecology science center, outdoor classrooms to tell both the historical and ecological story of Qianwan.

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Competition Phase Design Team

设计总监/主创设计师:Tom Leader
设计团队:黄大卫,Kushal Lachhwani,Pablo Alfaro,刘思妍,范炜,黄煜铭,Keli Wong,李雨珊,邢梦瑶,余兆威,俎菀芃,Walter Nieuwlandt,叶舒萍,白珊山,魏颖,于洋

水生态顾问:Lotus Water

Design Team
Principal/Chief Designer: Tom Leader
Chief Designer: Xiaoye Xing, Qianyu Li
Project Manager: Huan Zheng
Design Team: Dawei Huang, Kushal Lachhwani, Pablo Alfaro, Siyan Liu, Wei Fan, Yuming Huang, Keli Wong, Yushan Li, Mengyao Xing, Zhaowei Yu, Wanpeng Zu, Walter Nieuwlandt, Shuping Ye, Shanshan Bai, Ying Wei, Yang Yu

Consultant Team
Urban Design Consultant: Tianhua
Hydrology Consultant: Lotus Water

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