阅读:5563 2020-03-13


Must the progress of human society come atthe expense of the global environment?


Source: Internet

It is human’s living and manufacturing that hurt nature and broke the balance between man and nature. In the early 2020, the COVID-19 suffering has multiplied people's negative emotions, stress and anxiety. Due to which, people havestarted to rethink their living environment by focusing on creating more ecologically healthy urban space. Their demand for emotion healing and pressure release is increasing.  


The healthy landscape is to apply the natural environment or atmosphere to help people eliminate anxiety, calm their minds, increase health and emotional well-being. It is a way to strengthen people's physical and mental health. The healthy landscape also can enhance the space value and achieve the social order and stability.

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经得起时间考验的公共空间,身处其中时,人们能感知并调节自我情绪 - 用场景感染、鼓励人参与互动。未来人们更需要能提供健康生态、具有人文关怀价值的公共空间;能灵活复合使用,满足不同时段、人群及功能的需求健康公共空间。

A harmonious public space creates contagious scene and positive interaction with people inside. In the future, people will need public space that is ecologically healthy and humanistic care; meanwhile, that can be flexibly with intergraded function to use in different time and for different people.

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logon.design seamlessly integrates professions and internal departments to ensure that every plan is finalized in a inholistic way, which is two dimensional service: multi-disciplinary and a whole cycle service. The landscape design by logon is more resilient, vital, healthy and valuable for the urban public when intergraded with the whole design projects. Two projects introduced below showcases how ecologically healthy urban space added value to architectures.

Central Plaza

As an urban regeneration project, logon.design upgraded the open space in terms of accessibility, functioning and outlook.

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The main entrance is decorated with modern and simple paving, soft lighting design. The advertising space echo to the building’s transparent glass facade.

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The secondary entrance is decorated with lush plant wall creating a comfortable entry and connecting to the backyard garden.

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Greenery, benches, landscape walls and lighting in the plaza's backyard create a semi-open public space, serving for the staff to relax. The wooden outdoor platform directly leads to the indoor gym. It also can be used for style exhibitions and meetings.

Nantong InnoSpring Science and TechnologyPark

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The project is closely connected by three plots, approximately 1.5 km long and surrounded mainly by residences. The architectural design is unified in gray. The landscape design uses vibrant colors to break the dullness.

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The surrounding podium in front of the commercial area is paved with bright colors and dynamic streamline, bringing positive effect to the public space. People can walk and jog on the yellow track, rest on the blue podium and gain spiritual pleasure from the colors.

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The designer adopts a strip-like paving texture for the square, colors in grey and white. Detail decorations have changed the rigid impression of the traditional ascending square, giving vitality and interactivity to it.

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The designer has reserved centralized lush greenspace for people enjoying the nature and relaxing.

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涩谷在进行车站中心地区大规模开发的同时,其周边地区也发生了巨大的变化。涩谷PARCO的PART1和PART3(以下称为“原涩谷PARCO”)一带在历经3年施工后,2019年11月作为“涩谷 PARCO・Hulic大厦(以下称为‘新涩谷PARCO’)”重新开业;还有2020年7月涩谷区立宫下公园(以下称为“原宫下公园”)作为集商业设施和酒店于一体的综合设施“MIYASHITA PARK”焕发新生。
数十年的设计策划经验,他深谙商业地产运作,善于对市场、场所及空间进行综合研判,以“创造城市中心,构筑美好生活”为核心理念,致力实现创意与商业、艺术与技术、文化与运营的完美平衡与价值。在设计领域,他被誉为“最具前瞻性设计师”,有“广州设计名片”、“中国十大室内设计师”、“亚洲商业地产十大风云人物” 等荣誉称号。
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